
Thursday, April 07, 2022

Leftist 'journalist' finds out trains don't give a fuck about him or bicycles

JOURNALIST and renowned media critic Eric Boehlert has died after being involved in a bicycle accident as fellow writers pay tribute to the author. 

The tragic accident occurred on Monday night after he was struck by a train in Montclair, New Jersey, while on his bike, Boehlert's wife, Tracy Breslin, confirmed to The US Sun.


  1. These progressive "I'm important, I deserve" assholes have no concept of reality. And lesson #1 in reality land is: You mess with a bull you get the horns.

  2. Don't remember his name, but with jon sewer and hitlery klinton as fans, I say we thank the train. When DJT needed help in the media, if this guy was anti-fake news, he didn't make much noise. If I'm wrong, well, not the first time...

  3. Sounds like suicide to me. It's possible that he learned the real truth via Hunter Biden's laptop.

  4. It's a special day too feel good stories posted

  5. He might have been the world's greatest journalist, but he apparently sucked at bike riding.

  6. When you read how his wife "describes" him, it's very odd (liberal?). Instead of love/compassion and sadness, she seems analytical. This is the problem with leftards.

  7. We need train control!!! Self defense my ass! Why are assault trains even legal? Waaaaaaaaah.

  8. If he had only been wearing a mask.....

  9. I wonder if he stalled out between the gates and couldn't get the bike going again or if he thought the train would give way since he was so self important. Either way, he was a dumb ass for getting hit by the train.

  10. Boehlert (spits on ground) was a viciously partisan, talentless, left-wing ideologue posing as a "media critic." The only thing he was ever critical of was Trump, Trump supporters and traditional, God-fearing Americans. His death, contrary to John Donne, does not diminish me, or you or anybody else with a decent bone in their body. To the contrary, it is a glorious moment to be remembered for all time in the annals of American national pride. Good riddance to bad rubbish. And congratulations to the train for taking him out.

  11. Interesting: in Colorado as of this week bicyclists are officially allowed to ignore traffic rules like stop signs and traffic lights, making car drivers responsible for their deaths.
    Trains? Hmm, it is an election year for our governot, so he'll quickly create an other pandering-to-idiots law allowing bicyclists to ignore train crossings also.

    1. Holy shit! Allowed to?! Really? That's going to be a fucking mess.

    2. Actually, if I read it correctly, it allows bicyclists to treat a stop sign as a yield sign and a red light as a stop sign. Colorado follows several states in allowing this. It’s really no different than what a lot of cyclists do anyway and if some cyclist thinks this gives him some special right….. well, Mr. car/truck wins EVERY time.

    3. Soooooo, blow through a stop sign and get squashed like a bug? That’s what we’re doing now? Well, ok then, game on!

  12. How the Hell do you get run over by a train while riding a bicycle?

  13. Somebody's proggie by the side of the (rail)road. . . (Riffing on an actual song: 'Somebody's Moggy'.)


  14. Fuck around and find out.. railway edition.

  15. You have to wonder how a guy riding a bicycle got hit by a train. Most likely he was wearing earbuds with the music turned up loud and never heard the train.

    1. That's what I thought first thing, too. Oblivious to the world around him and paid the price for being so.

  16. When asked, Thomas the Train had no comment.

  17. If Hillary was a fan, well, the nation is a little better off now he's gone.

  18. Don't call it a "tragedy". Call it a lesson to the rest of those idiots.

  19. I guess the train engineer will be charged with man slaughter for not giving the cyclist 3 feet of space.

    1. Probably have a video showing he had plenty time to swerve around and miss the victim

  20. Anytime you see one of these turds wearing their Buddy Holly rpgs(rape prevention goggles) with that pinko smirk and their fellow leftists describe them as ass kicking, fierce, etc you know they're absolutely grade a pieces of f<>k. He was probably in the process of 'speaking truth to power' at the train. Good riddance.

  21. Trains are evil!!! We need train control!

  22. Dincha know?
    Bicycle lane makes you immune to danger!

  23. Is wife says he was dedicated to the truth - as he knew it, using the same situational awareness that got him run over by a train.


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