
Friday, April 15, 2022

One more reason I love Tennessee

Lisa was expecting a couple packages today and when she checked her tracking number at 4:15, it said it was delivered.
That asshole dog Jack hadn't raised any hell, but I went out anyway and checked the front porch, the back porch, and the bed and cab of my pickup where our regular mailman, Jason, is known to drop them.
Seeing as the post office was already closed, I told Lisa I'd call the post office tomorrow if they were open this holiday weekend.
About quarter to six, I ran into town for our monthly fast food meal. When I got back, Lisa was laughing about how some guy pulled into our driveway and that asshole dog Jack had him trapped in the truck. He was there to drop off Lisa's packages after they'd been mistakenly delivered to his house.
Now how cool is that? In California, Lisa would've never seen them and they'd have been sold at the flea market.


  1. If I was your neighbor you'd have had your packages delivered and by the time Lisa came out that asshole dog Jack and I would be best buddies, And I'd have been giving him a belly rub.

    Alright. I exaggerated. But I would have delivered your packages by chucking them out the window as I drove by at a high rate of speed.

  2. Replies
    1. That's the way we like it!
      Ohio Guy

  3. Billy Bob in TexasApril 15, 2022 at 7:06 PM

    This is why I have a UPS store box. No issue with packages and I don't have strangers coming to the house. I got this back when Amazon was using the Uber method of meth head delivering packages. Now I have a gate on my 500 ft. driveway and no packages get delivered here and no strangers as "delivery" people casing the joint.

  4. Well, maybe not. There are good people everywhere. Just more in some places than in others.

  5. That's how we roll around here.
    --Tennessee Budd

  6. Well for what it's worth...same kind of folks in both spots I lived in Phoenix Metro area. Not to mention anywhere I lived in Kansas.

  7. Hey, I'm from Cali and I have re-delivered misdelivered packages many times. I even had to contact a Japanese delivery service once to figure out where the package was meant to go (my address was on it). We're not all A-holes.

  8. It's not just TN. It is indeed small town America. Of course California has it's own special set of problems and idiots and assholes.

  9. I've got the same kind of neighbors here in rural Kansas. Too bad none of them can say the same thing. JK

  10. That happens here often. Had a neighbor 3 neighborhoods over bring me my once which was just junk mail. Some people still wave as they drive down the road. Love that part of life.

  11. Had a similar situation in Wyoming. FedEx tried to deliver something that needed a signature and I was not home. So they delivered it to a neighbor that was 5+ miles away. Did not even know this neighbor, but he accepted it called me AND frickin' delivered it! Love small towns!


  12. Smalltown southern Missouri is the same way.

  13. UPS misdeliverer 2 cases of shotgun shells. Some kindly older gentleman brought them to my door on his grandsons wagon.

  14. The only problem I've EVER had has been with fed ex, whose drivers have left packages at the wrong address, and also dragged a large box across my lawn, leaving parts strewn across the yard through the big hole in the box.
    Never had a problem with USPS and UPS.


  15. 2 of my 3 neighbors will drop them on my front porch. The 3rd, and the one closest to the house, writes 'refused/return to sender' on the letters and leaves the packages on the porch until either I go looking for them, or gives them to the driver the next time they are in the area. It'll be too bad when his basement full of newspapers stacked next to his home made woodstove catches fire.

  16. It's called "looking out for one another" and we need a lot more of it!

  17. When we lived in Maryville, the mail carrier carried dog biscuits which he gave our dog if we happened to be out when he came. The UPS driver would throw treats from the truck if we were out and he wasn't stopping. Nicest people in the world. When we first moved there to my wife's home town, I came home and told her it was the first time I'd ever gone to the courthouse and came home smiling. Drivers' licenses were the same as anywhere I'd been.


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