
Friday, April 01, 2022

Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030

Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030, according to a newly signed bill by Gov. Jay Inslee. 

The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.


  1. I can see a potential for the sale of small plots in Idaho to ranchers and farmers in eastern Washington so they can own vehicles that can actually get them anywhere other than their own spread.

  2. Why not just make it illegal to vote Republican or have heterosexual sex?

    If there enough votes to pass these laws then the state is beyond saving.

  3. Same virtue signaling he uses to shut down every feasible source of electricity generation.

  4. The really annoying part of this kind of thing, apart from electric cars being hopelessly impractical, is that the justification is that they are somehow saving the planet. Even if the planet needed saving, electric cars are far more damaging to the environment than ICE cars.

    1. The planet will only be truly saved when the human species goes extinct.

    2. "If you really cared about 'the environment' you'd compost yourself."

  5. Washington, Oregon,and California are now knows as Fucktardistan.

    1. Since you mentioned it, it is by design. Remember when the commies said they're gonna buold a blue wall? Well, they did; CA, OR, WA.

      Remember when they said they were gonna target NC? They've done that too and we see the results. These are just two examples of many.

      The commies are on a roll. What's really frustrating is how many states are gonna become 'Fucktardistan' before there's any effective push back.

  6. I think it's a win-win. They either need to terminate these commies or be slaves.

  7. By 2030 we're supposed to own nothing and be happy. Dead, more likely, and the surviving helots forbidden any travel outside the slave production enclaves, leaving nature in all her unspoiled glory for our enlightened betters. Days of Noah; this has happened before!

    Stefan v.

    1. 'Days of Noah'
      That sends shudders to them who know.

  8. This, like all leftist pipe dreams, will not end well.....

  9. I wish it was sooner. I can't wait to watch this shitshow.

    1. I agree w/ the Kid. I used to get pissed off at all this nonsense but I've made major mental adjustments and the difference is that I actually hope all those stupid motherfuckers get what they are pining for. And when they come ask for help, well, "Nope." is the answer they'll get (unless they press and then the answer will come at them at ~3000 fps).

  10. The landscape will littered with dead EV's by 2040.

  11. No one will be registering anything by 2030.

  12. Such legislation is unconstitutional as it is a regulation of interstate commerce and only FedGov can do that.


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