
Monday, April 25, 2022

We call that Bidenflation

A Bessemer, Alabama, man has filed a class-action lawsuit against Kraft Heinz Foods accusing the company of false labeling and deceptive trade practices in relation to the company’s Country Time lemonade mixes.

In a suit filed Thursday in federal court, DeMarcus Rodgers claims that while Kraft Heinz says its 19-ounce canisters of powder lemonade mix make eight quarts of lemonade, the amount of powder provided makes only six quarts when following measuring directions listed on the product’s packaging.


  1. Should'a stuck to drinking Kool Aid

  2. Not gonna get six quarts as I demand my wife make it stronger than the instructions.

  3. somehow Heinz will say global warming dried out the granules such that depending on the date on the box 6 to 8 is possible

  4. John, jawbone of an ass, Kerry is married into the Heinz family so you know there's some scamming going on. Fuck that fake war hero asshole

    1. Incorrect, Kerry aka "piece of shit" married the widow of a member of the Heinz family. She was/is not actually a Heinz.

  5. you guys must not have bought a bag of potato chips lately. Same type of thing.
    Have you tried to buy a 3 pound can of coffee lately? Not happening. You get 33 oz., while paying the same price as you used to pay for a full 36 oz.
    It is like that with just about anything on the consumer market sold by weight. The manufacture maintains the same size container, but reduces the amount of product, for the same price.
    If you are like most people my age, you saw things like this just starting. Sadly, it seems as if nobody complained and so manufactures figured that they could do it with impugnity.

  6. It’s called “shrinkflation”, and it’s usually reflected by changed packaging. The dent in the bottom of a jar, perfect example.


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