
Monday, April 11, 2022

Woman wins $10M lottery jackpot after accidentally pushing wrong button

(KTLA) – A woman won $10 million after purchasing a lottery ticket at a Southern California supermarket last year, state lottery officials announced Wednesday.

LaQuedra Edwards put $40 into a Scratchers vending machine at a Vons in Tarzana back in November 2021. While she was about to start selecting which games she wanted, Edwards said “some rude person” bumped into her, according to a news release from the California Lottery, which doesn’t immediately reveal the identity of winners for privacy reasons.


  1. she gonna slit dat monies wit dat "RUDE" person dat bumped her an be done cause dat chit?? I bets not!

  2. Ah ha! So the secret is to buy lottery tickets with EBT cards huh?


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