
Thursday, May 05, 2022

And now, from Tennessee's RINO governor:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Governor Bill Lee announced Monday all previously scheduled executions in 2022 will be paused amid plans to launch a third-party review of the lethal injection testing oversight that resulted in a temporary reprieve for death row inmate Oscar Franklin Smith.


  1. Oh ffs, test it on him. If it doesn't work, add ingredients, test again until it works. How difficult it is to figure out. If chemicals are too difficult to figure out, try 38gr of lead behind the ear, I know that works. EVERY TIME.

  2. Forcing a vaccine on those same murderers though will NOT be reviewed.

  3. As a veterinarian with nearly 40 years' experience, I've euthanized (lethal injection) hundreds of animals, ranging from dogs/cats to horses and cattle. I've never understood all the falderal about execution by lethal injection. I guarantee that I could terminate any convicted murderer with a single, rapidly-administered injection of a concentrated pentobarbitol solution, just like we routinely use to ease pets 'over the Rainbow Bridge', and there'd be no 'pain & suffering'... though I can't guarantee there'd be no anxiety immediately beforehand... but those folks oughta be contemplating what they've done and their final reward, anyway.

  4. Univ of Saigon 68May 5, 2022 at 10:27 AM

    Drug companies have perfectly painless drugs but refuse to sell them for use as lethal agents. This could all be solved if death sentences were done using pure nitrogen, which suffocates, but without the sensation of suffocation caused by CO2 build up in the body.

  5. Hey, I offered to supply a box of .308 per month.
    They wont use that much.
    I figured it was the least tI could do.

  6. I think it's more of a case of Lee being too chickenshit to sign the execution paperwork.

  7. Hell. Just go to the police property room and grab some smack or fentanyl. Why does .gov make everything so damn complicated, expensive, and stupid?

  8. I'm getting to the point where I'll support repeal of the 8th Amendment, the ban on cruel and unusual punishment, That includes blowing people from cannon muzzles like the English did after the Sepoy Mutiny, and for lesser crimes, confinement to jail cells where no music is played is played except Bananarama 24/7/365.

    1. William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!

      Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

      William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!

      Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!

  9. Execute Lemarcus Davidson already.

  10. Use the firing squad. It requires no special equipment or ceremony, and I guarantee the government could find seven or more volunteers who would be willing to provide their own equipment and ammunition.

    The entire scenario of keeping the condemned on death row for years is cruel and unusual punishment. Give them a week or ten days to get their affairs in order, then march them out and put paid to the entire situation.

  11. Not going to get all your wishes come true. Liking the grocery tax relief and carry policies pretty much. He is no Desantis but he will work and helluva lot better than that shit hole state you came from. Sorry had a bad f day. Still saying

  12. The Republicans that run for Governor in Tennessee are normally Rinos. Bill Lee is just one more in a long line.

  13. A suggestion:
    After the death penalty is imposed in a court and the one mandatory review/appeal denied, lead the condemned to a luxury apartment, spend an hour demonstrating all the amazing features of the suite, leave them alone for the rest of the day to explore, then gas them with nitrogen that night as they sleep. Don't report the death until some months later, if at all.

  14. Gotta love Republican cognitive dissonance.

    "Government is corrupt"
    "This guy is a RHINO"
    "We need the second amendment to prevent tyranny"

    Oh...but we're totally fine with the government deciding who lives and who dies. There's no way the justice system is corrupt, or prosecutors, or cops. Death penalties all around. And support our troops even when they get sent off to fight for Biden's investments in Ukraine and his crack-head son.



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