
Friday, May 13, 2022

"But they was married and shit so it was legal"

RICHMOND, Texas (KIAH) – A Texas woman has been convicted after allowing her 13-year-old daughter to endure sexual abuse by a 47-year-old man as “a normal part of their religious beliefs.”


Prosecutors said that in 2017, the girl admitted to her doctor that she was sexually active with “her husband,” who she said was 47 years old. Payton, who was also at the doctor’s office, said the girl was married with her consent and the marriage was a part of her religious beliefs.


  1. Why did I hear banjos when I was reading this?

    1. Did you read the article? Did you see her picture? Does THAT look like someone who would play a banjo?

    2. If they were White or claimed to be Christian, it'd be all over the news, since they're not, this is probably the only article on the case.

  2. I didn't realize this was a Guess the Race.

  3. I notice they don't mention what religion was being used to justify this. I wonder which religion sets the age of consent at 14 or younger? And which somehow appeals to blacks, despite being the primary driver of the African slave trade for centuries. And which the media is loath to report in a negative light for fear of violent reaction from the peaceful practitioners of said faith.

    Must be Mennonites.

    1. Yeah, it's about time for the Mennonites to start their shit again.

    2. That would be mooselems... they can also rape and beat their wives for refusing sex. Its a party!

    3. They also didn't mention if he had other "wives" already...

  4. Reproductive organs can make you a parent. Takes much more to make you a mom or dad. .22lr behind the ear. Save the taxpayers some $$.


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