
Monday, May 09, 2022

CA bill allowing children 12 and older to get vaccines without parental consent advances

A California bill that would let children aged 12 and older get vaccinated without parental consent passed a key legislative committee on Thursday. 

Currently in California, children under the age of 18 can’t get most vaccines — including COVID-19 shots — without permission from their parents or guardians.


  1. Does this mean these kids will be allowed to drink, drive, and purchase a gun? Awesome.

    1. My first thought exactly.

      I do not understand why a 12 year-old can consent to puberty blockers or an abortion but cannot buy a cigarette.

  2. What we need is a bill that allows citizens to spay/neuter politicians at will.

  3. "All your childrens belong to us!"

  4. California State Senator Scott Weiner already has his recliner reserved next to the Ring of Fire, so that Lucifer can blow him while he fries. I don't know why he keeps attempting to define deviancy down.
    I guess that's just what San Francisco queer Leftists do. They just can't help themselves. Or save themselves.

  5. Part of the Democrats control of kids -- deciding birth, soon allowing any child deemed capable of making decisions agreeing to sexual activity with an adult, allowing children to kill their own unborn children, and etc. and etc.

  6. I feel (as an outsider looking in) that the writing's been on the wall for at least ten years now, so if you're a parent to children that age and you haven't pulled out of California by this point, it seems like you really don't care THAT much about their well being.

  7. this is being done so that teachers cant be prosecuted when they strongarm children into getting "vaxxed."

  8. So kids in CA can't have fries with their Happy Meal without a parent's permission but can have an abortion and now this.
    What a state.

  9. Any person voting to support this or any similar legislation/regulation must be hunted down and exterminated. Nothing else will stop these criminals in office.


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