
Monday, May 30, 2022

Chuck Schumer BLOCKS school safety bill—says 'gun legislation' is the answer

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) on Wednesday, in the wake of a mass shooting at an elementary school in southern Texas, has used his powers to kill a new proposed school safety bill.


  1. The left does not want a "solution", they would rather leave schools defenseless. They love it when violent sociopaths kill people, especially kids. What they want is a disarmed population and they will happily stand on the bodies of dead children to further that goal.

    1. screwtube deletes this.
      Given the history of the United States Government and their history of chemical and biological warfare experiments they have conducted on their own people, what lengths would the Democrat party go to, to achieve their aims of disarming America?
      "We believe 500,000 dead Iraq children was worth the price", Madeleine Albright.

  2. *uck Schemer stops a study because he knows that an accurate study would show that his "arm criminals and disarm citizens" plans are b*llsh*t.
    And he has the gall to use the word "truth"?
    And about the "school resource officer" he says was present? Assigned to the school, but he was off that day, not there.
    John in Indy

    1. School Resource Officer: "The one fucking day I call in sick to go fishing!"

  3. We don't much care for school hostage takers.

  4. No guns for Goyim say Chuckie

  5. It has been often said that the best way to stop a bad man with a gun is by a good man (or woman) with a gun. True.

  6. I don't know who needs to hear this, but meaningful change will NEVER happen as long as Chuck Schumer and those like him retain power.

  7. Chuckie wants gun confiscation or nothing. What are a few schoolkids lives lost if it gets him his fondest wish?

    1. Marxist believe Utopia is achievable. Utopia is a literally perfect world. If you *think* you can create an actual perfect world, then what sacrifice is too high, to get Utopia? This mindset is why they can destroy hundreds of millions of lives, and still sleep at night. Yes, it's batshit crazy to normal people, but it's the enemy's mindset.

  8. scummer da douche bag

  9. What did the right butt cheek say to the left cheek regarding Schumer?.....who's the asshole in the middle....later, one was overheard saying "If we pull together we can stop this shit"....

  10. Schumer had stated earlier this year that he was NOT going to take up gun legislation before the midterms OOHH that's right he is a Demonrat and they will say or do anything to get (re) elected


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