
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Commentary: Joe Biden Is Ruining America

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable.


  1. I really don't know what can be done about it. If you try to organize a resistance, the media you use will be monitored and you will be arrested. I'm all for standing up to fight these bastards, but I don't know how. I'm old, 72, so I won't fair well in hand-to-hand but I've still got a strong trigger finger and not much life left to lose. I would gladly sacrifice what little I do have left in order to secure a future for my children and grandchildren.

  2. The first country that leftists destroy, is always their own....

  3. Good Lord! Honest and for true!?!
    The biggest problem facing us, is, where are our supposed heros of the GOP, and what have they done, in all this time, to try and stop the ruination of this once great nation? I mean, besides waiting for election / re-election?

  4. I am already seeing things I never thought imaginable in America. Baby food in short supply, empty shelves in the grocery stores, open borders (why aren't Canadians sneaking into this country like those on the southern border?), gas prices sky high, and the list goes on. Biden can blame the Republicans, Putin, Trump, the Witch of Endor or whoever he wants to blame but HE is the president. Maybe Elon Musk is right, Biden is not in charge, the teleprompter is.

  5. TINVOWOOT. Fuck Gropey Joe...

  6. The first country a leftist destroys, is always his own.....

  7. Not really Biden. he's clearly senile or deranged or demented. It's much more powerful forces than him who are pulling the strings. America has to be brought down as there can't be a dominant country in the planned New World Order or Great Reset as it's been renamed.

  8. The cult of partisan over people. Praying helps and no matter the outcome, this war has already been fought in God's Kingdom. There is only one true outcome so get right with Jesus and keep your powder dry.


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