
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

I'm calling bullshit on this one

An investigation is underway after a man was found dead in a downtown Los Angeles parking lot Thursday morning with an assault rifle lying next to his body.


What self respectable criminal is going to leave a perfectly good AR or AK at the scene, particularly in California where they're in high demand?


  1. always strip the dead of weapons. why would you or anyone leave them ?

    1. Because you don't want to be seen near a shooting with a rifle. It's possible to conceal an assault rifle under heavy winter clothing, but in normal LA weather such clothing would be suspicious in itself. If the victim brought the long gun, going over to pick it up is a risk of being seen by some witness who was alerted by the shots. If the killer brought it concealed in a case or bundle, that concealment would become suspicious after the shots were heard, so it might be better to plan to abandon the weapon, if you're sure it's untraceable and clean of fingerprints and DNA.

      Or a killer might make sure it's clean only of _his_ fingerprints and DNA and traceable to someone else. Cops are more likely to think "the killer panicked" than complicate the case with an unknown killer who framed someone. And it is possible that the killer did panic.

      In any case, there's a 99.9% chance that "assault _rifle_" is wrong, and at least a 50% chance that it's not even a single-fire imitation of any assault rifle. The only person ever to use an NFA-licensed weapon in a murder was a cop, and illegal select-fire weapons are too difficult to come by in the USA and too difficult to conceal for most gangsters. OTOH, it's been shown before that the LAPD's public relations people can't even tell a revolver from a pistol.

  2. Fully Automatically Controlled

  3. ““It appears the weapon that is at scene here is some type of assault rifle,” Rabbett said.

    The exact make and model of the weapon is still being verified, Rabbett said.”

    😂😂😂 either a dumbass or a liar.
    Either way…yup.

  4. I suppose that police searching an area could conceivably find the dead guy with the weapon before someone else did. But yeah, it would be stupid to not recover something like that.

  5. Even a criminal know better than to leave any weapon with a dead body. This is a plant! They are just stalling to get the story straight.

  6. Back in the days of Billy Sol Estes, one figure was determined to have suicided with two shots from a bolt-action .22.


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