
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Man, this brings back memories



  1. As a kid we did that with homemade bows and arrows. Also used to put wooden matches in the end of empty beebee guns and shoot them at any rough surface ie concrete, pavement, stones...We thought that was way cool especially at night.

  2. The guys look like bored GI's in a barracks room 'somewhere in Germany' in the early 80's....the windows swinging open. I'm betting they are two way: turn the handle one way, and it opens like a door; turn the handle the opposite way, and it opens only at the top and leans back into the room 4 inches for fresh air....I could be wrong....but I spent 10 years there and it looks AWFUL familiar.

    1. Can't be a barracks room in Germany, there's no radiator under the window!

    2. I sat on a courts-martial for something like that, in Germany, in 1980

  3. ahhhh yes. Good times.....good times....

  4. I need to learn how to make flaming arrows. The house next to me just sold and I think it is going to be an airb&b. Fuck Gropey Joe

  5. IME, they blow out on release.

    1. Try a disk of leather or other mostly flame resistant material in front of the flamey bit on the arrow. Would need to experiment with the size.

  6. It's the traditional method to light off flare stacks at oil and gas refineries.

  7. Our barracks in Volgoweh(sp), outside of Kaiserslautern didn't have radiators under the windows. I actually climbed up the gutter drain pipe one time and jimmied one of those windows open to get a bottle of liquor I had left in my neighbor's room the night before.

  8. We did that a once when I was in Jr HS, except we were out in the backyard shooting them "straight" up in the air and we were in a residential area. After we shot two arrows, which did come right down in our area, we realized the folly of the act and stopped. But man, it was cool!....flames trailing several feet behind and hitting the ground with a WHOOSH and fireball!
    And no mobius, they do not go out on release, at least when made properly with an old white T shirt soaked in gas.


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