
Friday, May 13, 2022

Meanwhile, in Great Britain.....

A new national gun surrender will allow people to anonymously hand in weapons and ammunition including heirlooms, shotguns and antique revolvers, as well as illegal stun guns and gas-firing blank pistols bought overseas. 

Many such guns are held in innocence and ignorance that having them is against the law, according to the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and The National Ballistics Intelligence Service (Nabis).


  1. Madness. I see no other way to describe. The "Diversity" won't turn in guns, and native Brits will disarm themselves rather than be called names by people who want them all dead.

  2. NOT turning in the guns is exactly why we are America and not a colony of Great Britain.

  3. Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who kept their swords. ~ Benjamin Franklin

  4. After the latest insanity of covid lockdowns, you'd think that nobody would participate. Think of this as an intelligence test ... if you turn anything in, you failed. And failure by stupidity will eventually turn into failure to survive.

  5. I think you meant Formerly Great Britain.

  6. WTF, the Brits don't remember what WW ll was all about? Turn in your guns cause if you don't you might be called a name. Whats in store for next year, turn in your extra toilet paper cause it contributes to globular warming? Figure this shit out boys and girls, this is an all out attempt by the WEF and global cartel to depopulate the planet and designate all who survive to peasanthood catering to every whim of the elitist monarchical overlords. Can you say return to the days of medieval Europe and the rule of kings? This ain't rocket science.

  7. How far England has fallen since Robert Peel's time. Every self respecting Englisman went about armed with some form of protection, be it sword cane or pocket revolver. Crime in London required such measures and from all current "culturally enriched" accounts, still does..

  8. another bullshit govt program. FJB anyhow.

  9. Apparently news from Australia has been getting censored in Great Britain...

  10. About that


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