
Monday, May 30, 2022

Oh, shut the fuck up

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Gavin Newsom and state legislative leaders on Wednesday said they are trying to accelerate over a dozen bills in the legislative process to reduce gun violence. 

“California leads this national conversation. When California moves other states move in the same direction,” Newsom said in Sacramento.


“California leads this national conversation. When California moves other states move in the same direction” 

I guess that's why California keeps enacting stricter and stricter gun laws while half the States have Constitutional or Permitless carry.


  1. Look on the bright side, that fault line can't hold out forever.

  2. California leads, America follows!,_timeline.gif

  3. Some laws deporting mentally ill crimmigrants would be more effective. Democrat voters are the enemy within.

  4. "Atkins said change has to happen before “another neighbor, mother, teacher or child is senselessly ripped from our worlds.”"

    So these bills will be considered null and void if one more person gets killed?
    Awesome: when a bill is proven useless get rid of it.

  5. They haven't grasped the concept of more laws do not stop criminals....what a bunch of stupid dumbshits. I recommend death by firing squad for anyone killing anyone who uses a gun or any other method of killing someone in the commission of a crime. Put them down now, not 30 years of taxpayers support.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableMay 31, 2022 at 8:01 PM

      What they haven't grasped is the concept of "shall not be infringed". They always seem to skip that part when trying to outlaw guns.

  6. California led the way under Reagan after Black Panthers exercised their 2nd Amendment rights by carrying weapons around the Capitol building.

  7. When you see those dumbazz Californians kill each other in droves with electric cars, you just know they should never had anything like a gun.

  8. Wasn't the latest mass murderer a trans? Maybe if some teacher or coach hadn't groom him/her/it this would not have happened.

  9. And as my son says "this is why we need to bring back public hanging's"....think about it... visual consequences for your actions

    1. We need a 3 holer on the Capitol steps.

    2. That was one of the main deterrents of executions. The families would all gather around and if little Billy was starting to go down the wrong path, he could see what might befall him if he continued in his ways. I have long advocated for public executions.

  10. WestcoastDeplorableMay 30, 2022 at 9:25 PM

    My guess is about 1/2 the shooting crimes in SoCal would be eliminated by open carry. The pussies out there would cringe at the thought of somebody shooting back!!! And I'll bet that's about 1/2, what do you think?

  11. cities and states with the strictest gun laws are the ones with the highest murder rates. look, criminals aren't going to obey the laws. Duhh, what do they not understand about that.
    their was a story about a week ago about some dude that came through an apt complex after an argument shooting randomly at buildings, a momma bear that had her CCW shot and killed his ass. yea, he fucked around and found out.


  13. Fucking politicians never let the truth get in the way of the big lie.

  14. Keep in mind that Newsom is Nasty Pelosi's nephew just another wealthy shitbag who has no clue.


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