
Monday, May 30, 2022

Party on, Nathan, party on

An Amish man in Ohio was the subject of a low-speed police chase on May 14 when he was asleep while operating a horse and buggy. 

Ashtabula Sheriff's Deputy Mike Talbert attempted to stop the buggy at around 2:43 a.m. in Orwell, Ohio, but was unsuccessful and told other officers that the driver of the horse and buggy looked like he was asleep, according to Fox 8.


  1. where is the problem? the horse knows the way home

  2. The original self-driving vehicle. Ol' Bessie knows the way home.

  3. Leave him alone, the horse knows where it's going.

  4. Fuck the Tesla!

  5. Nathan is one fucking lightweight. At o6 bac he is only 3/4 drunk. On one Bud light. Elders will all be laughing at him. As for operating a vehicle, I'm pretty sure the horse was in charge and knew where to go. And to stop the horse and carriage all the cop had to do was grab the reins.

  6. "An Amish man in Ohio was the subject of a low-speed police chase on May 14 when he was asleep while operating a horse and buggy." Who writes this shit? How can a person oprate something while he's sleeping? Nathan clearly was not driving nor operating the buggy, hence he was merely a passenger. Did the idiot cop give the horse a breath or sobriety test? Thought not. Nathan, you're clear to go and stop drinking that shitty Bud crap.

  7. Unlike a car, the horse knows where home is, and is headed that way.

  8. He was part of that Eastern Swing Band, "Asleep at the Reins."


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