
Friday, May 27, 2022

Rep. John Rose Commentary: Inflation Is the Invisible Tax

Inflation is an invisible tax that Tennesseans have to pay each and every day. Everywhere you look, inflation is wreaking havoc. At the gas station: gas is up 48 percent. At the grocery store: beef is up 20 percent, chicken is up 15 percent, butter is up 14 percent, fruits and vegetables are up 7 percent, and coffee is up 12 percent. At home: electricity is up 11 percent, furniture is up 15 percent, and rent is up 5 percent. What about a vacation? You still won’t be able to escape inflation as hotels are up 29 percent and flights are up 23 percent.


  1. The government also benefits from higher prices due to inflation. As the base price rises, so does the sales tax in absolute terms.

  2. no mention that the size of the products have shrunk

  3. And everyone was so damn excited when the government printed more of that fiat currency to give them a check during the pandemic. Well, now you know how they planned on getting it back. They forgot the first basic principle of economics. There is no such thing as free money. And now I see rumblings that the Democrats are planning on giving those who have student loans a 10,000$ reduction. Funny, I have around a year or a bit more of college, and I paid for it as I went. Nobody gave me any student loans. And I always thought that a loan was intended to be paid back, and in the case of student loans, the collateral is their degree, which they are to exchange for a job that will pay enough to repay the loan.
    The Democrats sure do want to lose both the House and the Senate in November.

  4. I am reserving what I can for my planned vacation to the Oshkosh convention and airshow this july/august. right now, it costs $500+ to fill the fuel tank in my RV plus the fees once I get there... I'm not sure I am going to be able to attend unless I go by skate board with a backpack and pup tent on the interstate.


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