
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Second Amendment Foundation: NY Gun Control Didn’t Stop Buffalo Supermarket Massacre

A few days ago, some skinful of slime committed a terrible crime–a racially motivated mass murder–in a Buffalo, N.Y. supermarket. In keeping with Guns & Gadgets Daily tradition, we will not name the shooter, nor give his vile thoughts an iota of digital ink. We’ve decided to refer to him exclusively as “Blivet,” which is a military term describing what happens when you put 10 pounds of shit in a 5-pound bag. Although the sole responsibility for what happened last week lies with Blivet, our nation’s president didn’t even wait for the crime-scene tape to come down before he blamed the Second Amendment instead. Today, the Citizens Committee to Keep and Bear Arms has a few choice words on the subject …


  1. There are something like 30K+/- gun laws on the books at federal, state and local levels. None, not one, of those laws has ever prevented a gun crime anywhere in this country.


  2. Their apparent goal (pure fantasy) is to prevent all deaths, just like with COVID. No matter how many deaths they cause in trying to prevent all deaths, they just keep forging ahead with their vacuous, illogical plans, with the support of the mindless hordes incapable of critical thinking. Obviously their stated goal is very different from the actual goal, which critical thinking leads one to understand is citizen disarmament.

  3. bet you can't name the NYC subway shooter. how much coverage did that story get... for how long???
    or the waukesha drive thru mass killer. again, how long before no more coverage??
    wonder why?? narrative??? what narrative???


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