
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Seriously? Do we look that fucking stupid?

President Joe Biden blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday for the latest spike in gas prices, suggesting the foreign leader had enacted a “gas tax” on America by invading Ukraine.


  1. "Do we look that fucking stupid?"
    Is that a rhetorical question?

    Don't forget. These are the same people who are kindred spirits of Harry Reid, who could tell it was tourist season in the District of Corruption because he could smell the tourists.

    They think you look fucking stupid; they think you smell fucking stupid; they think you are fucking stupid.

  2. (Old Tech) Only Democrat voters look that stupid.

  3. Clearly Putin's fault that Biden canceled oil leases in Alaska, Gulf of Mexico.

  4. Democrat presidents known by their initials: FDR, JFK, LBJ and FJB.

  5. Yes, we DO look that stupid. It is YOUR fault and MY fault that we are letting the whackos destroy America, The American people have the power to stop this shit IF we want to. We, the people, stopped the Vietnam war

  6. Have you talked to the 'average Joe' out there? Yes. Yes they are that stupid!

  7. Could somebody PLEASE stuff this drooling idiot back into the basement?

  8. Yes, president Joe Le Petomane , his string-pullers and running dogs (the media) believe the rest of us are that stupid and gullible.

  9. They don't even think about us long enough to think we are stupid. They no longer care.
    Ignoring reality long enough eventually requires reality to reach up and smack you.

    We know there will be a crash and burn coming. We know it, and we know it is out of our hands to stop it.
    So we wait to watch how it plays out.

    1. That's tyranny.
      It's those of you who say 'it's out of our hands' who have caused many others to hold back from doing what must be done.

      What you say is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tyranny because such as you are not easily identifiable which means it's unknown if you can be relied upon. The stakes are too high to allow such an unknown. Yet, in actuality, your's is only a delaying action; the time will come when The People do rush forth, having had enough. But that time will come later than sooner because there are those who say, 'it's out of our hands'.

    2. Well, knock yourself out Rick.

  10. yea, tens of millions of peole Are that fucking stupid.

    And hey, If it actually is a 'putin price hike' (it isn't) why do they support democrats who can't defend 330 million Americans from some pissant in Russia doubling the price of about every fucking thing we have to buy everyday ?
    It's like fucking stupid with extra fucking stupid sauce.

    1. Truly, supposedly a powerful nation held at bay by a middling country. Yet that same nation can somehow render helpless the world's largest economy.

  11. ... and, get ready for the "No Diesel Fuel" tax as the clown show sends U.S. supplies to Europe to help alleviate THEIR stupidity.


  13. WestcoastDeplorableMay 12, 2022 at 7:36 PM

    What most don't recognize is all this is intentional. As in crash the economy, run us out of energy, hype inflation to even higher record levels so that Klaus Schwab and his bunch can do their "reset". Oh and did I add, they want to KILL as many of us as possible. Has anyone noticed the chemtrails are back?


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