
Friday, May 13, 2022

"Suck it up, you bunch of crybaby bitches"

For the first time in years, streaming giant Netflix has updated its corporate culture memo to include some new guidelines surrounding artistic expression that are sure to anger leftists within the company who think their fragile sensibilities ought to determine what the rest of the world is allowed to consume.

Specifically, the memo explains that because Netflix serves a diverse subscriber base, the select few who work on projects aren't allowed to let their own ideology deprive others of the opportunity to enjoy it. And it all seems to be in response to the continued dust-up over the woke's typical unhinged reaction to comedy specials from the irreverent but hilarious Dave Chappelle.


  1. Fuck Netflicks. Any organization that signs on people like the Obama's and that royal by injection bitch to moderate and create content needs to go the way of the Dodo. I hope they all starve.


  2. The "woke" can't rig elections or outcomes when people vote with their wallets.

  3. Well I ain't gonna uncancel my subscription cancelation.
    Get woke go broke.

    No Levi's bought.
    No Coke products, I even explain to every independent restaurant why they should switch to RC or Pepsi if they want me to pay 2.99 each for the 6 members of my family.
    No Unilever products.
    No Gillette.

    I wrote every single one of those companies to explain how they had severed our business relationship, and how to fix it.

    Publicly apologize, fire the people who approved it, and fire and promise to never do business with the advertising companies that presented the ideas.

    It's pretty easy.

    1. Same here . Vote with your billfold . That is the only thing corporate America understands , they only notice when they get a good swift kick in the bottom line. Wranglers and, R.C. for me no Gilette in my house fuck 'em

    2. Yep. We also vote with our wallet.
      The one's making these decisions have already cashed in. The corp folds, they are still set.

      Once in a while, deciding who not to buy from costs a bit more. Usually a wash though.

      Fuk em.


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