
Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Disgusting Crimes Of Amon Göth - The Commandant of Krakow-Plaszow

 Following the Second World War, a number of war crimes trials took place which aimed to punish the major perpetrators of the atrocities and horrors committed by the Nazis. Many commandants of former concentration camps such as Rudolf Hoess were brought to justice for their crimes, and eventually were taken to gallows to be executed. One of the most despicable commandants who ran a concentration camp was Amon Göth. Göth was the commandant of the Krakow-Plaszow Concentration Camp, and his crimes were endless.

He would shoot at prisoners inside of his camp from the balcony of his villa on a daily basis, picking them off with his rifle like they were game. He was also known for executing prisoners without any justification, just randomly shooting prisoners whenever he pleased. Göth was a truly terrifying SS commandant, and whenever he was seen it was associated with murder and death. He was involved in the liquidation of many Polish ghettos in which his camp absorbed many prisoners who were worked to death, and he was in charge of sending many to extermination camps where they would be murdered in minutes of arrival. Göth was responsible for the deaths of thousands during the Holocaust. 

He was eventually sacked as the commandant as he was deemed too violent, and was deemed to have stolen property from the Nazis. He was then taken to trial after the end of the war inside of Poland. He was sentenced to death and was executed a short distance away from the camp which he oversaw which great brutality. He was one of the most disgusting perpetrators of the Holocaust. 

VIDEO HERE  (10 minutes)


  1. Göth is the same type of Nazi that the left are supporting in Ukraine.....

  2. Yep wicked evil people are drawn like moths to light to positions of power over others.

    Does anyone think the people in antifa would act any differently if given the opportunity?

    Most of the execution camp stuff is bullshit.

    Typhus and starvation ravaged the camps. There wasn't any food for the german people. They sure as hell weren't feeding prisoners.

    You do the math.
    Modern crematorium take 3 hours a body.
    6,000,000 bodies.
    Hell give the germans 1 hour to burn a body, and only 1,000,000 bodies. There still isn't enough hours to pull off what they are accused of.

    Somebody is full of shit.

    It is in my experience our lying government

    Steve in KY

    1. The thing is, the nazis kept meticulous records.

    2. Didn't burn all of 'em.

      Many machine gunned on the edge of huge pits.

      Layer upon log style.

    3. Dude, just one of Auschwitz’s most efficient crematoriums alone cremated up to 1500 bodies per day between early ‘43 to Jan ‘45. And there were witnesses that said the number was higher. That’s over 500,000 souls per year. I believe the main camps totaled more than 20 so that comes to over 10,000,000 million bodies that could have been cremated. That’s between ‘43 to ‘45 alone. However, the more than six million Jews that were murdered were not all cremated. But I totally agree what you say about the antifa and the leftarded.

    4. They weren't burning them to total ash, they were burning them to mostly ash. Different times. And it's easier to burn a 90lb person than a 200lb person. Seriously, the Germans were burning and burning and burning while digging trenches and burying and shooting and gassing and poisoning and death by starvation and disease.

      And you can burn a whole lot of bodies in an industrial incinerator rather than the EPA approved single use burner that also burns the clothing and the cardboard box or light wooden casket that also has to be burned.

      Go watch "The Big Red One" with Lee Marvin and Mark Hamill. The concentration camp scene was filmed in... a concentration camp. Big-assed ovens, more like brick kilns than American crematory kilns.

    5. Birkenau death camp had 4 gas chambers and a crematorium that could burn 4416 bodies a day, or roughly 1.6million a year. It ran for 2 years before being shut down. So one camp could have handled at least half the corpses generated. Not counting down time or maintenance. But that can all be made up by the other 4 or 5 larger camps running at tje same time.

    6. Will please humor me, please please prove me wrong. I want to be wrong. I want to think the people I grew up to trust are not lying.

      Grab a calculator. Multiply your number of 10,000,000 by 3 hours. Divide that number by 24 hours to get the number of days. Divide that by 365 days. Divide that by the craziest number of functional crematorium you like. You will surprised.
      I really want to be wrong on this one.

      Yep they machine gunned innocent people in ditches. So has every other wicked evil bastards in power.

      The cremation of the number we are told is not possible. It is just not physically, logistically, economicly possible.

      So once you know that, what else are they lying about?

    7. Get really technical and figure out the fuel requirements to heat 1500 people at a avg weight of 100 lbs to first boiling to remove 75% mass of body weight, the continue heating to combustion. Seriously it is just not possible while running a war on two fronts. They didn’t have the fuel to pull that off.

      I am so not on the side of evil, but why did they lie to us?

      Is it maybe like Patton said?

      We turned cities into infernos burning women and children to death 150,000 a night. Did they maybe need a reason to say they were responsible?

      I don't know.

      I do know it is not possible burn that many people in the amount of time WW2 went on.

    8. The news said that the Russians were using mobile crematoria in Ukraine. You see, they were flash burning the bodies of their dead troops, so that morale would not be harmed by the sight of Russian corpses. Now the Russians were running out of fuel, and also had the problem of cheap, poorly maintained tires from China literally rotting off their wheeled fighting and support vehicles, but they were somehow able to drive crematoria around. What did these magical flash-burning crematoria use to burn the bodies, by the way, seeing as they were short on gasoline and diesel? Did they go out and chop down trees for a cheery wood-fired cremation? Was it a nuclear device? Maybe each crematorium contained a tiny tokamak and they were fusion-burning corpses. Those wily Ivans!

      Those damn Rooskies were being JUST LIKE the Nazis, who had mobile crematoria that went around the country burning up the bodies of their victims. A resource-starved country at the end of a long and desperate war, that did not have enough fuel to run their war machines, was instead using fuel to transport mobile crematoria and to burn bodies. Makes sense to me. It's all documented in great detail, and anyone who questions it is a criminal and hate thinker and needs to have their life ruined then die in jail.

    9. Somehow the Krupp ovens were capable of doing what modern crematoriums aren’t.
      The media are absolute liars…but somehow they told nothing but the truth between 1933 and 1945.
      Odd how that works.

    10. Those reports didn't come from the media, you nitwit, they came from the militaries of the US and Russia along with thousands and thousands of witnesses, not to mention the trials at Nuremburg as well as confessions from the men that did those deeds. And let's not forget the physical evidence like all those dead bodies laying around, ash pits, minor things like that.

    11. Agreed. There are some head-shaking, disturbing comments in this thread.

    12. Where did you get the stupid idea that germans had only one single person crematorium for all Jewish people they killed? Get your facts straight before you try to write something next time.
      1) Largest death camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau killed about one million people.
      2) The systems of death camps was huge - there were over 1000 of them.
      3) The crematoria they used were capable to burn hundreds of bodies at a time.
      4) During communism ruski propaganda tried to convince everyone that 4-6 million people died in Auschwitz, to blame germans for millions of deaths which the commies committed themselves.
      5) Population of Poland in 1939 before the war: 36M; population of Poland in 1946 after the war: 24M.

      But I must say one does not often see a combined nazi-commie apologist. So you managed to "achieve" something special here.



      The Chicago Tribune must be very full of antisemites.

      "The memorials are dedicated to the victims of the Nazi killing machine that operated here with such horrific efficiency. But gone now from the memorials are the 19 inscriptions that said in 19 languages that four million people died here.
      The memorials are blank because they were wrong.
      Jewish and Polish scholars of the Holocaust now agree that the Auschwitz death toll was less than half the four million cited here for four decades. The actual number was probably between 1.1 million and 1.5 million-and at least 90 percent of the victims were Jews.
      The fiction that more than a million non-Jews died here was a myth created by Poland`s communist leaders."

      It's admitted right here that they lied about the four million number. Odd how it drops from four million to one million, but the total is still six million.
      The math doesn't work.

    14. Oh yeah, 1.5 million makes it so much better, right? Right?

    15. No…the point is they based the six million number with four million being at Auschwitz, the other two being elsewhere.
      Then it comes out that the four million number was a lie, pushed by the communists, but oh-so-conveniently they were able to come up with another 2.5 million at the other camps to keep the 6 million number alive.

  3. “The thing is, the nazis kept meticulous records.“.
    Yes, and IBM sold them the machines to help with the clerical work when processing them.

    1. to be fair, they sold them the equipment in the mid 1930's, when "hey, let's kill a shitload of people" was still a fantasy of a one balled austrian painter. and they were for inventory control in warehouses. machines don't care if serial #13734856 is a car part or a person...

  4. From the OP

    "He was eventually sacked as the commandant as he was deemed too violent, and was deemed to have stolen property from the Nazis."

    The odds are it was more likely from the latter versus the first. Even thieves have some code.

  5. This is the person Ralph Fiennes portrayed in Schindler's List. Casual killing.

    I just didn't know who he was historically at the time I saw it.

    1. I thought it said he was found hiding in an Insane Asylum? Maybe not but that comes to mind. Also, didn't they hang him?

    2. He wasn't hiding in the asylum, he was committed there by the Nazis at the end of the war. He was captured, then taken, tried, then taken back to the camp where they hung him.

  6. This man was a role model for Bill Gates.

  7. According to the Jews themselves, who are the undisputed masters of record keeping worldwide regarding Jews, the total world wide Jewish population at the beginning of WW2, was less than 6 milion. The fact that there are now well over 6 million Jews inside Israeli borders alone, might give a hint as to how information is dispersed. God's chosen....riiiiight.

    1. Don't look at the world almanac from 1935 and compare it to the 1950 version...

    2. Where in the hell do you get your bullshit numbers? The Polish government itself counted 3.3 million Jewish Poles in 1938. Worldwide, there were 17 million Jews, which was their historical high point. But I suspect you're as impervious to actual historical evidence as a radical Muslim is open to the idea that the Koran isn't the actual word of Allah and that his prophet Mohammed was a kiddy-diddling cult leader.

  8. He reminds me of the rino's in congress, they don't care who they hurt, don't care what's happening to you, and your family, just as long as the money keeps rolling in.

  9. The main lesson is never trust that your neighbor wouldn't turn against you. Our own Fedgov has practically labelled half the country as enemies of the State. That's here, today.

  10. Evil scenario for Talmudist propaganda.
    How can you believe such ill fantasies???


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