
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thursday gifdump












  1. #3: I woulda ran that "take a dive for the money" asshole over just on principle.

    1. What many of these scammers forget is that dashcams are becoming more prevalent every day.

      One of my guilty pleasures is watching dashcam video compilations on YT, BitChute, and some of the other sites. The funnest (not funniest) ones are the insurance scammers brake-checking semis and getting rear-ended with the idea of suing the truck driver or the truck's owner for the damage to their vehicle as well as the "pain and suffering" from their alleged injuries. Usually all it takes for these scammers to lose (and get written up) is the cops/insurance adjusters watching the dashcam video for them to find the semi driver not at fault.

      That the maroon in #3 thought it would be some easy money in this day and age of video cameras everywhere makes that clip even more satisfying.

    2. Best damn purchase I ever made - Rexing front & rear dashcam. Saved me from having to travel back to GA because this woman decided she wanted to be in my lane. Point blank, 3 times she tried to force her way into my lane to get around a truck.

      I held my position, on the horn the whole time. The bride and I never heard anything but apparently my front rt tire scrubbed her back seat driver side door.

      The state troopers (3) came to my truck after talking to her. She was ADAMANT I drove up the median and tried to squeeze in, hitting her car.

      Some of the SWEETEST words I've said ever was to the troopers "Would you like to SEE what happened?" Trooper's eyes lit up - oh you have a dash cam.

      Yes sir I do - come have a seat and watch. She got the ticket. Actually slammed her door into the trooper handing her the ticket - I thought shit was about to get real but they put her back into the car.

      Best damn purchase in a long time :) Saved me thousands & so much worry - oh the funny part, not a scratch on my truck lol Served that black POS bitch justice right there.

    3. I have one of the Cooau dash cams - front and rear cameras. The second day after I installed it it caught an accident caused by someone who believed traffic signals didn't apply to them, ran a red light and got t-boned by a semi. Fortunately the semi wasn't traveling all that fast but the vehicle - a small pickup - ended up rolling over a few times before coming to a halt.

      The guy in the pickup tried to make the claim it was the semi that ran the red light. (Yeah, he wasn't hurt, but he did look like he got worked over in an alley.) One of the police officers who responded to the accident was an acquaintance and when I had the opportunity I told him I'd caught the accident on my dashcam.

      I played the video for him and he started shaking his head and laughed, got out of my truck and talked to the State Trooper who was in charge, told him what he'd seen on the dash cam, and then arrested the moron.

      I copied the file from my dashcam onto a USB key (I had my work laptop with me so it was only a matter of a couple of minutes work to make the copy), and gave it to my cop friend.

      I am hoping that will be the only type of accident video my dashcam captures - someone else's accident and not one of my own.

    4. small back road in southern NH, i'm on my way to work. schoolbus coming the other way, but no yellow lights or red lights, so I'm good and keep going. I get halfway past the bus and the damned driver throws on yellows then reds. she calls the local cops, saying I passed her bus while she had her red lights going.

      cop pulls me over, very irate, until I show him the dash cam footage...he calls the bus driver and tells her to stop wasting his time. I guess she did this sort of thing a lot.

  2. #8: Christal Meth + Red Bull. The breakfast of Champions

  3. #3) Put in drive and floor it while he's still on the ground.

  4. I started sneezing when I got to #10!

  5. #1 - Bulls eye! Give that pilot a raise!

    1. Univ of Saigon 68May 12, 2022 at 6:47 PM

      Norden bombsight installed.

    2. I saw an actual Norden a few years ago, flying in a C-47 over Ft Worth, at night, at Christmas. Experiencing how thin that plane's skin was, and imagining myself some 19 year old over, they had balls of steel.

  6. #2: Why women live longer than men, Exhibit No. 4,674,397.

  7. #3 looks like in China. I’ve read that over there, if the driver gets convicted, the ‘victim’ just about owns him for life.

    1. which is why in china, the driver is very likely to get out and tire-iron the idiot to make sure they're dead.

  8. #5 is some tight shit-I'll tell you this, I bet the dude lives alone.

  9. #10 is nasty. Just think of all that toe jam and curry flavored skin dust...

    1. Look at the sand pile on the floor; that carpet belongs to a dune coon.

  10. #10: I wonder how much cocaine that could get out of Hunter Biden’s rug

  11. (Old Tech) #3: That's when you get out of the car with your .45 and shoot a couple safeties into him to ensure he died in the accident.

  12. Wirecutter,
    All of these are really good today. I always like the one with the water drops onto the forest fires. It has to be pretty warm up there doing that for a living. And not a little bit hard to keep under control with the swirling winds that must be produced.


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