
Thursday, May 12, 2022

You'd think they'd check for that, huh?

A pig heart, transplanted earlier this year into a human patient who died two months later, was infected with a pig virus, according to the surgeon who performed the procedure.


  1. That’s a tough looking 57 year-old.

  2. One would think. These pigs are raised in a very sterile environment and I figure go through all kinds of tests. I wondered how they had missed this. The procedure does look promising but looks like they have a way to go yet.

  3. Damn. Tough looking is an understatement! But if yer ticker ain't tickin' right....wonder if he said 'oink' on the way out..

  4. "But scientists now have new techniques to edit pig genes so their organs are more human-like."

    TBTsB pushing the gene editing stuff hard lately.

  5. So, does this mean she has an aversion to bacon?

  6. there's more to the GMO pork , it was a by product of the pig organ research that had no it is an edible option for people like me with alpha gal syndrome, i cant wait to have some bacon or ham steaks again some day soon

    1. Alpha gal syndrome. Reading about, because I've never heard of it before.
      An acquired, so-far untreatable condition that makes people allergic to red meat to varying degrees, up to and including anaphylaxis.

      Spread by Lone Star ticks. Kinda like Lyme disease. Does Plum Island ring any bells?

      I'm looking at you, Mr Gates

  7. A pig virus! That's it, I'm done with bacon!

    1. Ha! I'm going to immunize myself with this lovely pulled pork sammich. I may need a booster or 3.
      Eat drink and be merry, and all that


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