
Friday, June 10, 2022

Biden Administration Declare National Emergency for Clean Energy Production, Invokes Defense Production Act to Facilitate Faster Transformation of Energy Economy Away from Fossil Fuels

Joe Biden, working toward the agenda of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Wall Street multinationals, and the radical climate change activists within the far left of the socialist democrat party, declared a national emergency around the issue of U.S. energy prices and policies.


  1. Money laundering feeding frenzy theft # 13,457 coming up.

  2. In other news, the Biden Brainiacs mandate the use of E15 year round, which will do nothing to lower the cost of gasoline, while at the same time driving up the cost of any and all corn related products.

    This crew could tear up an iron wedge in a feather bed with a rubber hammer.

  3. Carter (in Hell) now second-worst president.

  4. When the agenda is destroying America (as planned), do more of it.

    1. It's almost like nominating a tree-spiking enabler to direct policy on an eighth of America's land mass and having the Republicans vote to confirm such a person.

      Adios, USA. You've had a great run but it's over now.

  5. This is all on purpose
    Steve in KY

  6. Shouldn't the Emergency 'Production' Act be used to create more... you know... the thing?
    I hope some people in Congress are doing some homework on how to cancel an insane president from destroying the country. Which is happening in front of us.

  7. It doesn't appear as though the U.S.A. can wait 2½ years to replace Brandon
    We "elected" a POTUS, not a dictator

  8. When the rain stops, think I'll burn another 2 barrels of leaves and branches...and fan the smoke towards DC.

  9. What Biden really just announced is more money gong in the wrong direction in the China trade. Transformers, solar cells and wind turbine motors are not produced in the USA. Why you ask? Cheap labor in China and EPA regs in the USA. Just another feint to make it make look like he's doing something about inflation, when he's actually doing the opposite.

    How is invoking the Defense Production Act during a time when we're not at war legal?

    The Republicunts will stand idly by and do or say nothing, as usual, while Biden et al continue to flush the country down the shitter.

    *.6% inflation last month, Dow down 700 in one day and 6000 in 18 months, with the steepest declines coming in just the last six weeks, should tell you all you need to know.

    Biden has been attacking the economy since day one of his stolen administration on multiple fronts. It's only going to get worst from here.


  10. Secret Service
    Be brave. Do something.

  11. I do care about this country enough to declare a national election emergency, by the power invested in me under the constitution of the federal government of the United States I hear Dubai declare all elected officials summarily fired a new elections will be held forth with. Any person that has held office previously through election or confirmation shall be in an eligible to run and those same persons will be required to surrender their wages received while in office and pensions moving forward. This emergency will realign the work ethic of the people with the direction of the country those the refuse to move in the direction of liberty Shelby banished to mother Russia for the rest of their natural life .

  12. Straight out of the Communist playbook.

  13. This is known as "doubling down on stupid".

  14. Emergencies guarantee the loss of reality to the narrative, and more illegal power in the hands of tyrants, ever thus. FJB

    1. Like the COVID "emergency". There's a lifetime of learning about the evils of the system all in the last three years

  15. Nothing like creating the emergency and then using that to funnel money to chronies and others hell bent on building us back better to the 19th century!


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