
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Commentary: White House Border Policy Racks Up Losses in Court

Joe Biden in 2020 promised he would return “normalcy” to the White House, that the adults would be back in charge, and that America would enter a new era of prosperity. In other news, the Titanic is an unsinkable ship and Enron stock is the foundation of a solid investment portfolio. 

It is becoming difficult for even the most partisan Biden supporter to put a positive spin on the current administration’s growing list of failures. The centerpiece of the White House’s calamity is its immigration policy, which is deeply unpopular with a majority of Americans. It is even less popular in America’s courts, where judges continue to reject Biden’s attempt to impose a unilateral vision of a borderless country and all the suffering that comes with it.


  1. biden admin may lose in court, but they do what they want without repercussions.

  2. these assholes do what they want without fear of anyone. long past time we changed that idea . just look at all the shit they have done in the past 10 or more years, has anyone gone to prison over anything they did ?

    1. Time for enforcing federal laws against politicians.


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