
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Get ready for the catastrophic DEF shortage

DEF is the acronym for Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Every diesel truck that has been made since 2010 is required to use it. It's a product made of 32.5% urea (made from natural gas) and 37.5% de-ionized water. DEF is kept in a separate tank in the truck and the trucks using it will not start unless the DEF system is working properly. There are regulators inside the engine that mix DEF with the diesel exhaust to reduce diesel emissions. That's the purpose of DEF.


  1. They are following the plan to the letter.....

    1. It is very easily deleted on virtually every model of truck. If you live somewhere where it cannot be bypassed then you should probably move.

    2. If you have a huge trucking company, you'll be fine. But for a mid to small outfit, the Climate Police will be checking everywhere, and they'll be shut down in a jif.

  2. The powers that be have taken a hatchet to our energy , our service industry and caused triple digit inflation. The idea that they would kill our republic is no longer a theory.

  3. When you want to torture & harm someone, slow strangulation is one way to do it.


  4. And it has a shelf life so stockpiling may not accomplish much. If it goes "bad" the SCR will sense it and the vehicle will shut down.

  5. And that boys & girls, ladies & gentlemen, is why there will soon be an explosive run on the junkyards & auto scrapyards for anything that will run. So there ya have it, the blackmarket workaround in action. For anyone with any abilities that is, for all ya'll that can't, not so much.

  6. RAM trucks don’t use DEF.

    1. Then the guy I spotted in the WalMart parking lot adding it to his Ram was doing it wrong?

    2. Nope, he wasn't. Some do. Some don't. Didn't believe it either so I did some research before calling BS...

    3. At risk of truly identifying myself I will retort that you are full of shit. I have a RAM2500 that requires DEF. If I could piss in the tank, or into your left ear I would.


  7. If FBJ really cared about solving the DEF problem, he could threaten the Defense Production Act against Union Pacific, and the DEF shortage would be ended promptly. Don't hold your breath.

    The article only scratched the surface of conspiracy theories about who owns Black Rock, who owns Vanguard, and who owns the companies that make the chemicals used in DEF.

    Flying J is owned by Pilot, which is owned by JF Management, which is in partnership with Berkshire Hathaway. So if fill your semi with diesel and DEF at Flying J, Warren Buffet gets a piece of the action.

    In case all these conspiracies give you "skid marks," Berkshire also owns Fruit of the Loom. So Buffet gets a piece of you no matter what.


    1. For those that dont realize the connection here. Buffet/Berkshire Hathaway owns BNSF. A competitor of Union Pacific which is largely owned by BlackRock.
      BlackRock wants to hit Buffet in his Flying J pocket because of his competing railroad.

  8. There are ways you’re on the def system

  9. Was at Lowes a few days ago and saw pallets of the stuff. Even WalMart has it. This is more fear pron. Most of the urea comes from Chinkland, but it can be obtained elsewhere, even from human pee 2%).

    1. And try making DEF from "human pee" that will function in the system. And yes, some areas have it, in plenty, for now...

  10. The US is beginning to look like the former Soviet Union where universal shortages were the norm. Here, I would expect to be able to walk in to a store and get exactly what I want. It was a rarity that the store didn't have it. In that situation I would go to their competitor and pick it up there, or they would call me when their shipment came in.

    What Biden and the other democraps in government have done is seditious. My niece cannot get baby formula at all. The prices for most other stuff, especially supermarket food has exploded and there are shortages, but if you are willing to pay you can still get most things.

    The situation sucks!

  11. If you trace Vanguard and Blackrock even further, they are also major shareholders in vmware and Broadcom. Broadcom just bought vmware; meaning that vanguard and blackrock together just made $50M profit by approving that purchase of their company by another one of their companies.

  12. The article is 100% WRONG about how it is used on the truck... it doesn't get anywhere near the engine... it is part of the exhaust system, well beyond the engine... If you (whoever authors something) are going to write about something, at least get some knowledge before showing your ignorance....

    1. Didn't read the article, didya?

    2. WestcoastDeplorableJune 15, 2022 at 6:01 PM

      You didn't scroll down the page. There's a graphic the plainly shows where DEF enters, after the engine and before the cat converter. Everyone should read this article, don't let lurkers dissuade you.

  13. Here’s the fix: piss has urea in it. Just store up a bunch of urine and substitute that. I’m sure it will work fine.

  14. Bring back the Detroit Diesel 53&71 series diesel's. They ran forever, smoked a lot and made sweet music when running. Old truckers swore by them and at them!

    1. Oil burning, oil leaking SOBs with a million parts. And the worst thing about them was that everybody knew you were coming from a hundred miles away.

      The old story was that the way you drive a Detroit was get in and slam the door on your hand. That puts you in the right frame of mind to drive one. That frame of mind being pissed off.

      They're the only motor I know that you can get to run backwards. I've done it. Long story. I won't trouble you with it. Almost gave me a wild ride backwards down a mountain.

  15. I saw an old diesel truck on the road recently with a "Certified Dirty Idle" decal.

  16. another fuck up in the 21st century.

  17. speaking of shortages, anthracite coal is going up to $500/ton, soon.
    by winter when people are buying for heat? who knows.

  18. Almost everyone I know with a diesel pickup has had the computer chip re-flashed for more power. Especially the idiots with a plastic pair of bull testicles hanging from the trailer hitch. In any event, couldn't you re-flash the chip to eliminate the DEF requirement? It wouldn't pass the EPA part of the yearly inspection, but could be a work-around to keep running. I imagine the idiots who "roll coal" on every intersection aren't too worried about DEF.

  19. What a stunning opportunity for an enterprising engineer. I'm guessing all that you'd have to do is tap into the sensors and tell the computer everything is A-OK. I'm certain it can be done. I'm wondering if DEF is used worldwide. Would be interesting if Cummins and CAT had non def engines for export. Just saying.

    1. Apparently, Cummins has non DEF engines for export to Canada.
      See WiscoDave's first post above.


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