
Wednesday, June 29, 2022


As Sun Tzu said in The Art Of War, "Don't mess with the rednecks."

The radical Christians are found in the rural areas. Their towns are defenseless, they have almost no cops and their firemen are volunteers. They have to borrow cops and firemen from neighboring jurisdictions miles away in order to handle anything big. And they think they're safe out there. Forget burning cities, cities are on our sides. It's time for rural areas to feel the heat.


City folks, I swear.
My small town has very few roads in and out, and they're all two lane roads. They may get in, but getting out is a whole 'nother story if they start any shit.
And one thing the city boy fails to take into consideration is how heavily armed the 'radical Christians' are in rural areas. 
Then there's the fact that even the people that ain't churched up would take a dim view of anybody attacking their neighbors and houses of worship, no matter what their denomination is. The Baptists and Church of Christers will happily fight alongside each other, then have communion and a barbecue afterwards, might even set up a couple of yard sales or something.


  1. Typical leftist thinking. What they don't realize is a lot of those "rural" folks have tractors and/or backhoes to go along with rifles, handguns and lots of ammo.


    1. Don't forget woodchippers. We have lots of wood chippers up here in northern New England and about 20,000+ square miles of forests in which to dispose of any excess 'organic material' if it comes to that. (My woodchipper has the easy cleanup option - a water hose fitting to help flush out any leavings after I'm done using it.)

    2. And balers. I heard a story about a fucker getting wound up in a round baler, stacked in back of field with the regular bales and left for a few years.

    3. Hogs are hungry and will eat almost anything.

    4. There are 600,000 square miles of basically empty space up here and I have friends with airplanes. Drop a convienient package out the window on the way to the cabin…. Bears & wolves gotta eat too…

  2. I'm reminded of the meme where the woke idiot says go to the rural areas and the redneck looks like it's his birthday, Christmas, and his honeymoon all rolled into one (as he's loading his shotgun).

    If the fight wasn't over so quick, I would picture the redneck starting with his hunting rifle and switching to his shotgun and 1911 as the case warrants.

  3. (Old Tech) In other words, the last thing they will know is the invaders finally get to meet Jesus.

  4. Amen Brother! We look after our neighbors, pretty much no matter who they are. Wouldn't want to invite violence..... but if they come, we will play........and play to win. Blessings Always.

  5. Replies
    1. Hmm, not sure we'd want to do that. We don't have any idea where they've been or what they've gotten into. We wouldn't want to catch anything from such diseased carcasses.

    2. But you can feed them to the hogs. Hogs don't care.

    3. No!
      But the hogs will be well fed!


    4. The people EATING The hogs might care

    5. You can't feed them to anything, vaxxd libs have mad cow disease in it's early stages. Prion proteins are in the vaxx or manufactured in the vaxx victim, I forget which. Dead people are bio hazards now. Not even fertilizer, unless unvaxxd. Just being helpful here. Tree Mike

    6. Properly composted liberal should be safe to use. Composting will break down the protein including nasty prions from the vax.

    7. Do you know what the hogs are eating now?

  6. Yeah, I figure this would be an example of that old Swiss tale about "Shoot twice, then go home."

  7. Well, I think they are making a mistake. Many people are running out of patience with the ongoing performances and all this acting out by useful idiot punks and paid agents of a foreign regime. They fail to understand the social significance of having a backhoe on every farm and hog pens on many.

  8. Take a drive in the country and start looking for tree stands. You'll notice quite a few once you start looking. In each tree stand is a sharpshooter who will sit quietly for hours on end for their target. You get the picture.

  9. that would be a very stupid move for them to take. most people I have met in the country are for the most part go along to get along types, to a point. and once you cross that point or line as it where, you are going to find out a lot of things you will wish you never knew.
    but, hey. if they are that dead set on making us country folk pay for something, come on down. it will give the locals something to talk about for a few years or so.
    even the non church going types of guys will stand up for the local church .
    they have no idea how well armed the average country home is. fools

    1. One of the truck drivers out at work before I retired was from this part of Tennessee and he told me, "Folks there are friendly as hell. If you're on their good side, they'll do anything in the world for you. Piss them off, and they'll do whatever they can TO you."

    2. It's the old coon-ass saying about preferring to be left-alone, but once provoked: "Don't get mad, don't get even....get ahead".

  10. LOL We target practice for fun. 1000 rnds on 3-4 platforms is a fun day.

    I compete lol in pistol competition, good 800 rnds various targets incl bad guy w hostages, tx star (moving tgt), around corners & thru windows scenarios... so I buy ammo in bulk.

    We hunt, not minding sitting in stand for hours quietly, in our camouflage 😄

    And note - once the cities power, water is cut off along with supply trucks - they Will come to us.

    We'll be waiting if they do. 😎


    1. (Old Tech) Where I live, the majority of gun owners have everything set up for the quarter mile. Why? Because when out driving and checking fences, the coyotes will see you and bolt for the far end of the field - just before they make it to the fence line (and a slight depression or hill to hop in/over) they stop and turn...... As usual, just hold, wait, squeeze, and watch it it tumble. Unless you are my buddy's wife..... she just shoots them up the ass while they are still in a full run.

      For you city folk, that's pretty much every fourth or fifth person around here.
      Good luck on your foraging.

  11. I sent that story to my buddy up in Kalispell last week. His response was "I just got an erection". These soft handed, liberal arts majors are going to reap the fucking whirlwind. I guessing anyone who trys to stop it would also be dealt with too. Regardless of their job title or fashion accessories.

  12. One of the biggest mistakes they make is in assuming that the local police and DA of rural areas will act the same as those in the big blue cities where they are allowed to riot without consequences.

  13. You gotta love that last paragraph. Obviously I'm not going to go get shot in redneck country, but somebody else totally should.

  14. They might make the 15 miles out to where I'm at, but the only way out is through a very large and unfriendly desert, which right now (7AM) is at 108. Come get some.

  15. There will be a potluck picnic afterwards.
    And banana pudding - a church function staple

    1. And carrot cake. Can't forget the carrot cake.

    2. Here is what will play out going forward. As the power and fuel and food crises become worse, fed dot gov will begin resource diversion to their core constituencies (urban and blue states). This will accelerate into "resource harvesting" where teams are sent to grain elevators and even ranches to commandeer foodstuffs, the power grid will have power shit off to rural and even some suburban areas, fuel deliveries will be diverted etc. Thid will lead to rail lines being torn up and general blockading of cities, grid destruction and so on.

      I sm not advocating this, merely predicting it based on history.

    3. Yummmm...Carrot cake!! And don't forget the strawberry rhubarb pie and Dutch apple pie!

  16. It works both ways. When do the rural folk get fed up enough to start damaging the transportation networks into the urban areas. A freeway is not difficult to make unsafe, nor a derailer hard to place. Once the city has supply issues, and insufficient LEO, the party can start.

    1. It doesn't take much to disrupt the electrical supply, water supply, or fuel supplies either. In some cases, it's even easier. Do any or all of these and a city can become unlivable in as little as 3 days.

  17. No shit, Kenny, I’m so far back in the woods right now, banjo pickers turn around five miles back. Any man who doesn’t have a chainsaw in his go bag and a snorkel kit on his truck ain’t serious about going anywhere. Quite a few people out here and most have stopped by to introduce themselves and find out why someone not from here would move here. I imagine me and the old lady will be kind of suspect for a few years. I’m okay with that. Every single person I’ve met has been kind and offered any kind of help we might need. Seems genuine to me. Living large! Eod1sg Ret

  18. LOL. The author of that screed is a f'ing retard. Let the Games Begin.

  19. Blood makes the grass greener.

  20. I guess they've never heard of what happened in Northfield, Minnesota or Coffeyville, Kansas once upon a time.

    1. Not just once upon a time. After George Floyd, a few groups of demonstrators decided to go out into the suburbs to show those folk what was what. Here's an example of how they were met:

      In order to get to the real rural areas, they first have to make it through the suburbs.

  21. Never happen. Those pasty freaks won't travel out of free wifi range of a starbucks.
    Random roving gangs of yutes when the ebt goes down, maybe. And they'll be hungry.

  22. No, no they will be fine.

    Steve in KY

  23. First, Good Morning to the NSA/FBI.
    Second, I think when that city monkey is talking 'rural' he's talking suburbs. At least that's what they would roll into first. And there they will find some easy pickings, good loot and soft flesh.
    Though a few houses will have someone who is armed, but after firing one or two shots to warn them off, most suburban homeowners will stay hunkered down. They never got to know their neighbors that well and will not risk their life to respond to the screaming.
    AFTER the first publicized raid, then things will change and change fast. The local gun or sportsmans club will become the center of organization for the creation of new citizens militia.
    The local police, who probably did nothing of note to stop the attacks the first time around will find ways to 'look busy'. And stay out of the way. I'd estimate in my town of 50,000 there are around one thousand armed homeowners. (or less)

    1. My suburban neighborhood must be an anomaly. On my 300 yard street we must at least 20 gunowners. One was a ROK sniper, another is a rank and file FBI agent and the rest are hunters. We have kill boxes established and everybody knows their part. Bring it you ANTIFA commie bastards.

    2. Those of us who are out in the deep country are counting on the suburbs and every small town along the way to attrit the yute ebt dignity marchers before they get this far. The nearest 50k town is 2 hours and the nearest 500k is 3hrs. Probably stay nice and quiet out here.

    3. You can be sure that if the Antifa scum do show up in a real rural town they'll made sure that there are plenty of their special protection corps also; the State Police, the FBI, and a Soros DA.
      Kyle Rittenhouse's town wasn't a big city or large town, but there were plenty of police there. If the cops had been better briefed or coordinated, one of them would have shot Kyle on the spot.

  24. As seen in a meme elsewhere on the 'Net:

    City folk: "When the food runs out, we'll go to the rural areas and take it from them."

    Rural folk: "You realize we argue over which gun is best to put in our pickup trucks, right?"

  25. Being Christian don't make one meek. Besides some of us are Methodists.

  26. They bus these protesters in with great big white busses, that's your opportunity. one driver and sixty protesters. you don't want to be the driver. They are not hardened targets and ther are lots of opportunity's if things start to get sporty.

  27. Back in the 70's we had a number of big city thugs flee to our neck of the woods. They brought their bad habits with them.
    I don't personally know what happened to them, but one story was several old wells got filled and capped and an old Chevy van sat abandoned until the sheriff got around to having it towed.

  28. I think that post is so far over the top, it has to be one of ours trolling the leftards. Yeah, there might be a few of them who would be dumb enough to try it, but the shot callers aren't that stupid. They know that trying to do the shit that they do in Portland or LA or SF, isn't going to go over as good in flyover country. Thousands of acres of farmland and pasture, farmers with backhoes and/or industrial wood chippers, not to mention hog farms. Best they could hope for is a few broken bones, worst case scenario is a couple dozen missing persons reports. Yeah, try that shit in rural Missouri or Louisiana. Those Cajuns don't play.

    1. You are probably right. For a big show action the shot callers might pick a notable rural town that has some Confederate monument or other heritage American characteristic, and stage a protest there that devolves into destruction. Serious rural attacks will likely see small numbers of local commie true believers (we all have them), setting out to burn out the more obvious flag waver, trump hat wearing types. It will probably trigger a burn/counter burn campaign for local dominance in many of the "purple" regions.

  29. So, are the Church of Christers like the Baptists, in that they don't have sex standin' up 'cause
    God might think they're dancin'?
    Just wonderin'. ;^)

    1. It depends: there the Assembly of God-type Church of Christ, which is like Southern Baptist, only more so. On the other side, there’s the United Church of Christ, which ordains lesbian pastors and advocates for Socialism. The UCC is dying out, especially in small towns/rural areas.

    2. My local church recently changed from the UCC to the CCC. But are having a hard time finding ministers.

  30. Resource diversion is already happening in the Chicago area.

  31. That’s an interesting article but does he have any idea how many rounds they’re up against?

  32. Ohh, they forgot so quickly...rural PA incident when blm tried to pull their sh$t...ya, it won't end well

  33. One of my wife's points of pride is that her ancestors were in Montana early enough to help rid the neighborhood of the Plummer Gang. Extra judicial is built into the state's DNA. 3-7-77

    1. "Extra judicial is built into the state's DNA".................made me think of Rip dropping somebody off at the train station.


  35. I can see it now, "hey jack you go that way, john that way towards town. Everyone else, we will suprise these redneck hicks. Ok jack, john, go.........jack...... john??? Oh shit jemele wats this red shit on me?" Jamele replies, "oh, shit that's part of jack... RUN". Then they hear a boooooom, of in the distance.

  36. *Not me, but I heard about it from some of the older boys at church...*

    Back when there was a newly elected President who might have had the initials BO, the price of .223 ammunition was quickly rose from a long time $100 per case of 1000. It was up to about $140 (don't you wish?) when a gun and ammo seller I use announced he had a lot anmd would sell it for $125/case, prepaid, with delivery to the Oklahoma City gun show.
    My best friend and I loaded up his empty car trailer and drove the 400 miles to the show. We were walking out with our combined 20K rounds on a flatbed we took with us just for that purpose, and he runs into a friend my buddy hadn't seen since high school They are chatting, and the stranger looks at us and asks where we plan on keeping all that ammo? My buddy nods towards me and says "He's got some pretty secure storage on his farm".

    Stranger looks at me and tries to joke about "When it all goes to shit, I'm coming to your place."

    I looked that silly bastard in the eye and asked him:
    "What makes you think you'll get in?"

  37. There ain't too much like poking a hornets nest, when some idiot goes and bothers the (now) peaceful man at the end of the road who just wanted to be left alone, the man changes for having been bothered, it won't be for the best - for either of them.


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