
Monday, June 13, 2022

Why are boosted Americans testing positive for COVID more than those without extra shot?

Since late February, Americans who have gotten a booster shot appear to be testing positive for COVID-19 more often than those vaccinated without the extra shot, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. 

This is based on numbers up until the week of April 23, which is the most recently released CDC data comparing case rates of those boosted, vaccinated and unvaccinated against the coronavirus. Ultimately, the numbers, which are updated monthly, showed those unvaccinated had the highest case rates overall. 


This is coming from the MSM? Really? Next thing you know they'll post an article wondering why the vaccinated are catching the virus more than the uunvaccinated.


  1. Look for yourself. Go to and click to Page 3 of 5.

  2. The multi-jabed are likely the vast majority getting tested. Normal people wake up with the sniffles and go about their day

    1. Exactly. Who benefits from testing?

  3. The vaccine is genocide, those who took will meet their demise, the time frame is different for individuals, but it will hit before long.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableJune 14, 2022 at 7:49 PM

      I have relatives who still insist on wearing the mask. Does no good to try to convince them otherwise. Truth is, those who were jabbed from certain lot numbers will probably die before there time. This is also why we're hearing about healthy young people and athletes dying without warning.

  4. The Media will find a way to blame the "UnVaccinated", because we are the "Evil ones" and the chosen ones caught it from us.

    1. I'm non GMO. Two weeks ago one of my coworkers got covid. He was vaxed and boosted. Two other people in the shop were boosted. They were allowed to remain, but required to mask. Somehow I was not mentioned. I'm the guy who got to spend last week at work with no mask. My work station is only three feet from the guy who got sick.
      The rest of the crew had to sit home for five days then wear masks for another five.
      It's a shit show.

  5. The article claimed that the unvaccinated were getting covid at a higher rate but never provided the numbers. But they did for the vaccinated and boosted. Then they never said another word about the unvaccinated. I wonder why?

  6. And Turdeau (jabbed and boosted) has caught Covid. 😅
    Say after me: "I am grateful for the safe & effective vaccine and the protection it offers".
    Bye bye immune systems, bye bye fertility. Now we eliminate the control groups by forced vaxxes - children and the unvaxxed...
    Even the WEF member puppets have been vaxxed so they're expendable too but just don't realise it.

  7. They are reporting the facts but refuse to put 2 & 2 together and report that the poison man not only doesn't protect from the virus but causes significant health issues unrelated to Coronaviruses.

  8. “Those boosted may feel more comfortable and safe, according to Shenoi, and as a result, they might be taking less COVID-19 precautions such as masking and social distancing “because they feel like they’re protected by the booster.””
    So… the vaccinated are endangering others due to the fact that they “feel” protected - even though they’re demonstrably NOT.
    Just like the masked “feel” protected and/or they’re protecting others. Even though they’re demonstrably NOT.
    I’m doing case investigation/contract tracing for my state. Every person I talk to says the same exact shit.
    “But I always wear/wore my mask” is one thing I hear multiple times DAILY.
    9 out of 10 (generous - I have the metrics) are boosted at least once. Many twice.
    Sure - they’re the people that get tested and answer a phone call from a ‘state’ agency - I can see how that can skew the sample population. But that doesn’t account for it all. Lots of people hafta get tested for their jobs, or travel, or a medical procedure, etc. 3 & 4 times vax’d people are the people I talk to - all day, every day. And they ALL say the same script - “it would’ve been worse if I wasn’t vax’d.”
    WRONG. The OCCASIONAL unvaccinated person I talk to has less symptoms, less severity, and markedly less impact on their lives.
    Take it for what you will. I’ve been talking to everyone who tests positive and answers their phone for 2 years, 40 hours a week.

    1. I have never tested, never had COVID, maybe a cold, but not the flu. I spent 2020 playing golf three-four days a week (I live in Florida) and never got sick. I had paranoid friends that believe they would die and could not wait for a "vaccine" which still has not arrived (only experimental). I eat healthy, spend time outside (vitamin D) exercise and enjoy life. Sorry, the testing was a scam, admitted now by CDC. The experimental drug alters your T-Cells and that is what your immune system has to combat bad stuff in your body. I survived terminal cancer 10 years ago, Sarcoma of the Lungs. If I fell for the crap the CDC, Fakey and NIH spewed and believed them and took this experimental jab, I would probably be dead today. Shame on all of them, they are criminals...

  9. A while back my brother complained about......
    numbness and a general fatigue.......possible caused by flu/covid1984........
    He followed my advice and started the Zelenko protocol......
    Numbness and fatigue gone.


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