
Thursday, June 16, 2022

Worst Reciprocity States 2022

 What are the worst reciprocity states to travel to in 2022? Which states refuse to recognize other states' licenses or permits to carry? Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and special guest Edwin Walker break down the worst states for reciprocity in 2022.

VIDEO HERE  (7:40 minutes)


  1. Fuck Illinois, I avoid it like the plague.....

    1. Lawyers were created by Lucifer, not Satan. You may be skeptical, but years of research went into this "opinion".

    2. Especially fuck New York. Unfortunately I have to spend a few weeks there every summer because we have a cabin on a river, which is very nice and the weather is usually cool in August when we go, but I can't even legally take a handgun along, much less carry it in any manner.

  2. I live in Michigan, and I believe at this time we accept all permits issued to anyone in their home state. But like always, Check The Law For Yourself! If I tell you wrong, I won't go to jail, you will. Seriously, it only takes a few minutes to check the laws for wherever you plan on going. If you will be in multiple states, you might have to lock your gun in your trunk in a gun safe in one state, while you can have it in your holster in the next 3 states. Don't be afraid to bring your gun with you on vacation, just be sure you follow the law, and like always, stay below the radar, meaning nobody should know you are carrying.
    I went on a trip to the East Coast, on a bus tour, but we spent nearly all of our time in extremely liberal states with harsh carry rules. So instead of my firearm, I chose to bring pepper spray and a rapid deploying knife. I did not look into the legality of either one of those, because I was going to take them no matter what.
    It was surprising to me, in that everywhere we went, with the gay pride weekend just finishing, we did not run into any problems with acting out by gay people seeking confrontation, or straight gay bashing groups. I think that perhaps people have become over such things, and only care about their own family and how will they feed them and fill their car up with gas, and who cares what someone else does, so long as they leave me and mine alone and don't expect extra priviledges

  3. Got pinched at the Port Authority in NYFC boarding a cruise with a loaded mag with 9mm JHP, accidentally left in my carry-on. What a shit show. 3 CBP agents and 7 NYPD clowns for 2.5 hours. Still able to get on the boat, which was better than the lockup. I guess they did me a "favor". Up to a year in jail on the summons, so I needed to get an attorney who cost me more than the cruise. For cartridges without a weapon.


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