
Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Los Angeles County on Thursday moved from a medium community spread of COVID-19 to a “high” level, triggering the possible return of universal indoor masking in the region. 

If the county remains in the high community level for two consecutive weeks, through July 28, the masking mandate would return the following day, “to help slow the rate of transmission and protect those most vulnerable,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.


I keep waiting for the people of LA to rise up and start shooting motherfuckers in the face like Aesop's been saying they'll do for the past couple years.


  1. Just in time for the mid-terms.

  2. California leftists are like all leftists, they have no backbone or balls....

  3. Only in his circle jerk....

  4. Yeah, Aesop's never wrong about things. He's an emergency nurse, you know! /sarc

    1. Yeah, that Kung Flu really was a killer, wasn't it? Up here, you couldn't pass a field without seeing farmers falling off their tractors, stone dead from the Chinkypox.
      --Tennessee Budd

  5. Masks have been proven to have no impact on transmission. None. So they can't even stop[ themselves from making the same mistakes over and over again. So maybe it isn't a "mistake?"

  6. You can't get Covid if you don't get tested.

    1. Unfortunately, not true. I had gone two years w/o getting it, but I did in April. Still haven't been tested though.

    2. Ummmm, MoFo…… how do you know you had it….. if you weren’t tested…… just curious I guess…..?

    3. April. Same here. The mild head cold lasted four days, the lost of my sense of smell a month. That was the kicker, I had to toss some meat that I had defrosted but couldn't smell if it was safe.

  7. I listen to EVERYTHING aesop says!!!!!
    And then I do the complete opposite.

  8. Here. Have a read.

  9. Gosh. It sounds like Californica will have no choice but to encourage mail-in voting again. I wonder how that will turn out?

  10. Athens, Ga. has re-imposed masks for government buildings. Opt-in for private concerns. Fortunately for me, I live in the next county over which never had a mandate and the Democrats in Athens have run all the business out to my county. Some corporate stores may impose masks again, maybe the library. Some doctors have gone optional but we'll see.

  11. I like the mask at hospitals. They are full of sick people.

    The masks hold more of the cooties on the face of the sick folk, so fewer escape to infect my ass.

    The mask does not prevent you from inhaling virii .

    I know it, you know it and Aesop knows and admits it. But they help with other stuff. I AM UNVAXXED un tested and I had the WuFlu in Feb 2020. Ivermectin is my friend.


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