
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Dept. Commerce Census Bureau Requesting Sales Records From Gun Holster Companies?

ABILENE, TX -( Why would the Census Bureau request customer records from American gun holster companies? 

That is the question AmmoLand News is asking. Several major holster manufacturers/providers received notices from the Department of Commerce Census Bureau requesting order numbers, product descriptions, and where the items were being shipped. A few holster companies have refused to turn over the requested information to the federal government.


Sneaky bastards. Now they'll know what you have no matter where or how long ago you bought it. When you order a holster, you give the company your make, model, and barrel length.


  1. This is sneaky if not another criminal activity by government. From now on when I order holsters, ammo, reloading products or other accessories I'm going to say "it's a gift for a friend".

  2. As much as possible, everything needed for your future has to be bought in person and for cash. They'll be checking to see who ordered long term storage food as well.

  3. Holster data to the government? Yea, but we got 'em right where we want 'em. How many folks have a holster for an AR15 style rifle?

    1. Yeah... but I'll bet they got a sling, red dot, scope or something else that information on can be "requested" for purely administrative use.

  4. They're probably trying to correlate holster purchases with the illegal gun registry that aaa tee eff has been compiling for decades.


  5. I bought a tactical cross draw holster for my old Ruger p90 from an Israeli company last year . The tracking showed it delivered so I called the company and they conformed the tracking . I finally got it two weeks later and the post office did not even try and hide the piss poor retaping of the box . I got a lot of great fingerprints from the tape job and hopefully in the future I can identify some traitors and expedite their meeting Jesus . I'm an evangelical at heart .

  6. Did their request come with a court order? It didn't??????? Well, I would respond with a sentence that begins with "go" and ends with "yourself".

  7. they already track everything you buy with your bank card or credit card.
    cash is the one thing they can not control. next best thing is gift cards- buy them with cash and then use the damn card.
    now do you realize why they NEEDED 87,000 new IRS clowns ?
    hint. it all part of the you own nothing and be broke and be happy plan
    fuck them

  8. Not that they need to know, but I company can be "compliant" while also being disruptive with the information being provided.

  9. Billy Bob in TexasJuly 19, 2022 at 11:18 AM

    Reason #128,349,200 to pay with cash for all your 2nd Amendment purchases if possible.

  10. Does anyone out there want to create a "registry" all our own, of the treasonous fools who actually gave that *private* info to the pedophile-run government? Drive 'em out of business ('em being both the companies and the pedophile-run government).
    -Just a Chemist

  11. Where are the lawsuits being filed against the BATFE cretins for retaining records of our records related to federal NICS requests? Because that is totally illegal. So we find out just who of our Republican Senators and Representatives actually deserve the A+ ratings that the NRA has given them.

    1. Please stop with the "republican congressional critters." ALL politicians are bought and paid for douche bags. Same goes for the worship of that defunct and corrupt organization known as the NRA. I don't know who sucks more, all politicians or Wayne LaPePe.


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