
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Guest editorial: Why the 2nd Amendment doesn't protect the ban on AR-15-style weapons

It is past time for Congress to stiffen its spine and revive the national ban on AR-15-style semiautomatic weapons.

If the Independence Day massacre in Highland Park, Ill., was not evidence enough, consider that mass shootings killing or wounding four or more are now everyday occurrences, with more than 300 so far this year.

This weapon of choice for American mass murders is essentially identical to the military’s M16. Its bullet velocity is three times that of a handgun. It decimates human organs and pulverizes bones into dust. One round leaves an exit wound the size of an orange.


This is a perfect example of somebody running his mouth about something he knows absolutely nothing about other than what he's been told by other people who don't know what they're talking about either.

Here's a great example from the article:
There is no reason for a civilian to own an AR-15 other than to kill other civilians. The weapon is useless in hunting because it so decimates the target it renders the meat inedible.

I never realized that. I mean, who knew that a heart/lung shot through the ribs would destroy the haunches, shoulders and neck meat on a deer?
And really, if the 223 caliber is that powerful, he might as well advocate banning anything of larger caliber such as the 30-30, 30-06, 308, 300 WinMag, 338 Magnum and 45-70, all of them common hunting calibers. Hell, even my 22-250 that shoots the same 55 grain bullet as an AR is more powerful because of a larger powder load, and it is a fine hunting rifle for smaller game.

I will give credit to the paper that published this article for posting this above the editorial:
This piece expresses the views of its author(s), separate from those of this publication.


  1. The left is nothing without their lies....

  2. Ah yes, the old 'it's SOOOOO powerful!' claim despite it being so weak that it's not considered to have sufficient power for hunting (despite the claim of making the meat inedible...which I suppose might be the case if hunting chipmunks).

    1. Tell leftists that it is so powerful that the average person will suffer a dislocated shoulder by the third shot.

    2. It got even better today. Those hearings going on today, this dingbat claimed that 5.56 will leave an exit wound one foot across.

      Also, Jerry Nadless admitted (twice) that their intent is to ban one of the most commonly owned firearms in the country.

    3. How did that woman even get elected. There is not enough electricity in her brain to light up an old light bulb. definitely been drinking the kool-aid.

    4. She held a homestead exemption in Tennessee while serving as a Georgia representative, I kinda thought you at least needed to live in the state that you cheated the election in. My bad, she is my representative, so I am unrepresented on the national level, and she is embarrassing.

  3. What an embarrassment to the legal profession (right up there with reviews I was able to find about his performance). If nothing else, a lawyer should be experienced at research and understanding legal precedence, not the approach of 'I feel it should be this way so I'll make stuff up to support that'. This argument would easily get torn to pieces by an opposing lawyer, which is why I guess this guy is relegated to handling traffic tickets and, from the legal firm's description of what they do, ambulance chasing.

  4. Might not be the STUPIDEST thing I have read, but it is top 5. Has this buffoon ever shot an AR-15. Has he ever shot any gun? Even a BB gun as a kid? Absolute buffoon. How the hell did this idiot get an op-ed printed? Well we know that answer.

  5. "And really, if the 223 caliber is that powerful, he might as well advocate banning anything of larger caliber such as the 30-30, 30-06, 308, 300 WinMag, 338 Magnum and 45-70, all of them common hunting calibers. "

    ...That, friend, is the plan...

  6. That's a lot of stupid packed into one OpEd.

  7. Billy Bob in TexasJuly 20, 2022 at 1:43 PM

    Theodore Babbitt is a useful idiot. The 2nd Amendment is to protect the ability to fight off a tyrannical overreaching government and it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

  8. I remember seeing a video some time ago where they had an assortment of rifles on a table, and were asking people to point out the most dangerous, and least dangerous ones. Most of them pointed at the 22lr that looked like an AR15 as the most dangerous, and many of them chose a 30-30 lever action, or 30-06 bolt action as the least dangerous, all based on how they looked. Naturally, they were all surprised when shown the difference in the rounds each weapon used.

  9. Hey Theodore Babbitt, now do 338/378 Weatherby magnum....

  10. I'm surprised he didn't mention the shoulder thing that goes up.

  11. The Highland Park shooter didn't use an AR-15. He had a Kel-Tec PCC carbine in 9mm. So fuck off and die, whoever wrote that.

    1. I believe that to be false. He shot those people with an AR in 556 and in his haste to get off the roof dropped it out of the duffel bag and left it behind. The Kel-tec was another weapon he had with him when he was stopped in the mini van or so was reported in multiple accounts.

  12. 😂😂😂fuck these asshats in the neck

  13. "It decimates human organs..."
    Daaaamn. That's some kinda precise round--it only destroys 10 percent of the organ? Wow.
    What happens to the other 90% of the organ?
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. yup, yup
      ban the guns, seems ok

      then deal with the same nutbags using bombs or other types of destruction, mcviegh & billy ferry will look like amateurs

      how about just quit stoking the hate of the hate filled leftists? quit creating chaos and inciting violence via the msm?

  14. The 5.56 was designed as a round to wound so that the wounded would tie up others getting them off the battlefield. That was what I was taught in the military. My goto AR's are not in 223/5.56.

    1. Don't most states ban the 5.56 for deer hunting?

    2. You can use any center fire .22 or larger in MO. Illinois bans rifles altogether, some others must use straight wall cartridges. (Not necked down).

  15. Wait til these idiots discover Miller vs United States.

  16. of no use for hunting....obviously never heard of hunting wild hogs in texas...also good argument for 30 round magazines....
    "not in common use" with over 20 million ARs owned by privet citizens, i would say that this weapon is indeed in common use.... as one blogger stated, it's America's rifle.
    question.... now the military is moving to a new weapon, in 6.8mm, will the AR platform, in .223/5.56mm still be considered an assault weapon/weapon of war??


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