
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I'd be fucked

As missed warning signs pile up in investigations of mass killings, New York state is rolling out a novel strategy to screen applicants for gun permits. People seeking to carry concealed handguns will be required to hand over lists of their social media accounts for a review of their “character and conduct.” 

It’s an approach applauded by many Democrats and national gun control advocacy groups, but some experts have raised questions about how the law will be enforced and address free speech concerns.


Anybody with a half a brain would realize that this isn't so they can check your character and conduct, it's to check to make sure your politics line up with theirs.
I hate to be the one to tell these idiots, but a lot of shit posted on social media doesn't reflect anything but dark humor or trying to get a rise out of people.
Then of course, there's those weirdos that post shit on social media just to see how far they can push the line without getting suspended or kicked off. Heh.


  1. I wonder what happens if you tell them you don't have any social media accounts? I don't have any under my real name. I realized what a trap that was a long time ago.

  2. What about those of us with absolutely no social media presence? I retired from a career in IT and figured out pretty early that there was absolutely no benefit to having an account with any of them.

    1. You are posting here, it's social media. Welcome to the gulag....

  3. I’m not sure if reading a few blogs and posting a few comments counts as “social media “. Really. I’m not on Facebook, Twitter or any of that other bullshit. When I enter online contests, I never get all the extra entries because I don’t have access to all that shit. What I really want to know is will this hurt my social credit score in the food lines? Eod1sg Ret

    1. A lot of people will not wait in food lines; they'll wait for people leaving the food lines carrying bags.

  4. How quickly do we get to the Chinese "Social Credit" score?
    Because you know it won't stop with "gun checks".

  5. Yep. It’s all about ferreting out “wrong think”

  6. The birth of an actual "Thought Police"! My God what has this country turned into.......

  7. Fuck them all, I'm going down fighting!

  8. What if you don’t have and never had any social media accounts?

    1. Then you will be made to create accounts and your acceptance will be delayed for a defined period until TPTB are satisfied you are not a threat to them.

  9. America is about erring on the side of freedom for people.
    Bill of Rights acknowledges American sensibilities.
    Commies hate this.
    Americans love this.
    Americans learn tolerance, but love freedom.
    Can't crush it.

  10. I'm not stupid enough to live there, but if I was, I'd tell the asshats that my private live is none of their fuckin' business.

  11. Not so much to weed out wrongthinkers as to have an easy way to deny those who aren't 'connected' to the local political machine.
    In NY, you look for the slimiest reason for things and you can't go far wrong.

  12. I'm just glad I don't live in a Borg hivemind state.
    Ohio Guy

  13. The communists who run NY are no different from those in DC. They cannot understand that people like us just want to be Left. The. Fuck. Alone. And they damn sure are too stupid to comprehend “ . . . shall not be infringed”. Thank God I’m in flyover country. Fuck NY.

    1. Jeesh dh - there's only about 150 million "Americans" that think this way. Many are armed. Good Call.

  14. There will be another suit. I hope it includes a motion for contempt of court against the officials that are continuing to play the anti-American game.

    1. And we know that will take years to settle.

      Delete "Show good cause", insert "Good Moral Character".

      Lather, rinse, repeat.

    2. I'm waiting for some enterprising organization (GOA, SAF) to take the bastards to court for denial of civil rights under color of law. I'd pay good money to see that.

  15. though I try to remember not to say anything I don't want testified to at my trial, There is plenty evidence of my "Wrong think" out there. It's funny, doctrinally, I'm not very conservative in some areas but the shrill, judgmental far lefties wind my rubber band and I say things to piss them off.


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