According to Fauci, that is.
We went over to my brother-in-law's Saturday for a family get-together because my sister-in-law's sister was up visiting from Mexico. My mother and father-in-law were there even though my mother-in-law had a such a bad cold she wouldn't let Lisa hug or kiss her.
Well, me and Sue get along famously, so well that when I tell Lisa her folks love me more than they do her, both Al and Sue nod and smile and tell her that's true, and I'm not going to let something like a cold keep me from showing my love towards her so I snuck a big ol' kiss in right on her cheek. Then another. And another. Everybody was laughing, me and Sue included. Matter of fact, every time I walked past her that day, I'd give her a kiss.
Lisa talked with her this morning and it turns out it's not a cold, my triple vaxxed mother-in-law has covid according to her doctor.
Not only that, but Lisa had a phone appointment with LadyDoc a little bit ago and she was describing some weird symptoms she's been having for the past month, and LadyDoc told her she probably had covid too.
Apparently the two women in my life don't love me as much as I thought considering they're both trying to kill me.