
Monday, July 18, 2022

Looks like I'm a goner for sure

Today I found out flirting with my mother-in-law is a death sentence.
According to Fauci, that is.

We went over to my brother-in-law's Saturday for a family get-together because my sister-in-law's sister was up visiting from Mexico. My mother and father-in-law were there even though my mother-in-law had a such a bad cold she wouldn't let Lisa hug or kiss her.
Well, me and Sue get along famously, so well that when I tell Lisa her folks love me more than they do her, both Al and Sue nod and smile and tell her that's true, and I'm not going to let something like a cold keep me from showing my love towards her so I snuck a big ol' kiss in right on her cheek. Then another. And another. Everybody was laughing, me and Sue included. Matter of fact, every time I walked past her that day, I'd give her a kiss.

Lisa talked with her this morning and it turns out it's not a cold, my triple vaxxed mother-in-law has covid according to her doctor.
Not only that, but Lisa had a phone appointment with LadyDoc a little bit ago and she was describing some weird symptoms she's been having for the past month, and LadyDoc told her she probably had covid too.

Apparently the two women in my life don't love me as much as I thought considering they're both trying to kill me.


  1. I had Covid during the first go around, it sucked but from what I heard could have been worse. I've been told the current strain going around here in TN is very much like a severe cold with a painful sore throat. Hang in there, you might not even come down with it. But if you do then hopefully it'll be a mild case.

  2. Well, if you are headed for that big range in the sky I think it’s only fitting those of us you left behind write your obituary. Here’s my version:

    Today, we mourn the passing of Kenny Lane, noted blogger and animal lover. Mr Lane leaves behind his devoted and long-suffering wife of (fill in the blank) years, Miss Lisa. He is also survived by that asshole, Jack. He also leaves a hell of a lot of firearms, which is ironic because he told the local PoPo all of his firearms were lost in a tragic boating accident. Mr Lane loved music, beer, movies, television, shooting Jehovah’s Witnesses, and women, but not necessarily in that order

    Mr Lane was born in some say a humble home (Mr Lane said it was a manger). His early misspent youth was devoted to the evils of drinking, smoking, and challenging his immune system with local sweet young things. He served in the United States Army and was stationed in K-Town, Germany, where he discovered he did not like being bossed around.

    Mr Lane’s final wish was to publish his final thoughts:

    He left behind an emptiness/
    A gap, a void, a trough/
    The world is quite a good deal less/
    Since Kenny Lane fucked off.

    The family request mourners get rip-roaring drunk and tell stories how how many times Ken was booted from Facebook.

    1. * OR * here lies Kenny Lane... He FAFO'd! (actually, if you are still doing to ivermectin, you shouldn't get sick at all, right?)

    2. Shouldn't, but if I do it should be mild. It wouldn't be that bad anyway, Lisa talked to her mother yesterday and she's already feeling better.

  3. That’s what they do!


  4. Well, Shazam. Brutal way to find something like that out.

  5. If you can't get Ivermectin, Israeli studies have shone that making sure your vitamin D levels are high, the supplements are cheap. According to a University of Florida study, a combination of Benedryl and Lactoferrin, both available over the counter, will kill 99% of the virus and can be very effective if taken early in the infection.

    1. I have more liquid Ivermectin than I'll probably ever use.

  6. Ivermectin is over the counter in your state, start taking some.

    1. I've still got bottles of that shit I bought from Tractor Supply, and I have been taking it for a year now. I was taking it once a week, but these past few months I've backed off to once every 2-3 weeks.
      Probably still have a couple tubes of that nasty paste shit lying around, too.

  7. Covid chicks - we've all had them.

  8. Take heart - Big Phama does not make any money from your innate immunity.

  9. Hey at least you get out of writing that book!

  10. I tested positive on lunch break today and got sent home for 5 days. If I'd have thought about it earlier, I would have licked every fuckin' door handle that company has before I left.
    Oh, asymptomatic, btw. I feel fine.

  11. They love you so much that they are willing to set you up with natural immunity. An immunity that the vaccine will never give you. Covid parties make sense. Just take your favorite over the counter remedy afterwards.

  12. Covid is a walk in the park, I've had it four times.....

  13. After that moving eulogy, you really should get that book written before they do you in.

  14. Zelenko Protocol.....
    1. Hydrochlorquin, ivermectin, quercetin, or EGCg
    2. Zinc
    3. Vitamin c

    My brother had what he calls “long covid”....fixed
    him right up.....btw cancer recently took him.....

    1. Cancer....not my brother......err it got Zelenko.

  15. At least they're killing you with love. Tree Mike

  16. Check with FLCCC website for the proper dosage as it has been increased for new variants.
    As I recall, upon exposure, you should double up on the dosage per pound of human.
    If you think you've had it for 2-3 days, they say triple up.

  17. Please, please, don't any of Kenny's loved ones die... and, goddammittalltoheck, that obit above made me cry. I hope it doesn't get published for a couple hunnert years. --nines

    1. don't worry, after cw2/doomsday/etc i'm betting Kenny will be one of the survivor's helping to rebuild, yelling/smacking the teenbopper snowflakes who will wonder how he didn't die already!

  18. I may get an extra 3 days off next week. Supposedly, you "have to" wear a mask for 3 days after the 5 day quarantine. Told the HR bitch that I ain't wearing a fuckin mask while working. No'll just give me 3 more days to look for another job.
    Fuck 'em. I ain't their dog to muzzle.


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