
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

NYC hotels banning guns after agreement with union

NEW YORK - Hotels across New York City are joining together to ban guns from hotel rooms - they say in an effort to protect guests and tourists. 

 After the US Supreme Court struck down New York’s concealed carry law which was over a century old, the state Legislature passed a bill that allows guns to be prohibited in "sensitive areas," including private businesses.


So the hotels are guaranteeing their guest's safety? Because if I was robbed while staying at one after this, I'd sue the dogshit out of them.
Night time is when I take extra precautions. Not only do I have a loaded handgun on my bedside table, I've also got a loaded AR with another 3 magazines close at hand and a barking biting pit bull sleeping between me and my locked door. Ain't nobody creeping on me while I'm sleeping.


  1. Well, the government, hotels, and the unions are happy about this, but how do the paying customers feel about it?
    Again, shit like this is why I have no desire to ever go to NYS or NYC.

  2. Im just a HAIR heavier on everything but the dog....damnit.

  3. Where does John Wick stay while in town?

  4. New York has a two tiered "justice" system. Honest people will not be allowed to sue hotels for failing to protect them. That precedent will never be allowed to happen.

  5. Oh, it's much worse than that and has been for years. Don't even think about taking a handgun into New York state and staying overnight anywhere with it. We have a cabin on a river in the Adirondacks and spend a month or so every summer to escape the Texas heat. I can't legally take a handgun with me to keep in the cabin or vehicle, let alone carry.

  6. Long ago when on vacation at Oklahoma City, our family was in a hotel room when a person was banging on the door, demanding to be let in. Very likely a drug deal was set up, but man had the wrong room. All I had to defend ourselves was a fillet knife I had purchased that day at Bass Pro Shops at The Brickyard. I told the man he had the wrong room - leave us alone. Lucky he listened and took off. We called hotel front office and told them what happened and the security officer came by to check out our story in person. I gave him a description of vehicle seen through door viewer - he remembered seeing it and told us he would keep an eye out.

    I normally take a handgun, and sometimes a pump shotgun that fits a duffel bag (pistol grip only). We had arrived via Am Trak that day, the first time we had traveled using them (too far to drive with small kids) so unsure if firearms were possible, I decided not to go out with defensive arms that trip. The one time ...


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