
Monday, July 18, 2022

Shut the fuck up, Harry

Prince Harry has again waded into US politics as he blasted the 'rolling back of constitutional rights' during his keynote speech at the UN General Assembly for Nelson Mandela Day, in New York City. 

The Duke of Sussex launched a thinly-veiled attack on the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade ruling last month that handed abortion rights back to individual states. 

The 37-year-old claimed it was part of a 'global assault on democracy and freedom' as he also cited Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine among problems facing the world.


Nobody gives a shit what you think. Not your own countrymen and for damned sure, not us Americans.


  1. Legalized fetal murder should never have been a "Constitutional Right" in the first place.
    This was simply correcting an abomination before God.


  2. The ass-wipe needs his visa cancelled and given 24 hours to be out of here or he will be forcibly removed. I don't give care who his grandmother is.

  3. Isn't this the English boy who has "subjects"?

  4. Where in the constitution does it say anything about abortion? Either this guy gets a job at Walmart as a greater and keeps his mouth shut or send his ass back to England and tell his mom the trouble he's been causing. And take that big mouth bitch of a wife back with him! Too harsh?

    1. The big mouth bitch has to keep him in california for 10 years so she gets half of everything.

    2. Fuck him. Make him a good will ambassador to Pluto and send him on his way.

  5. Oi! You keep him. We don't want the oxygen thief and his egocentric "actress" back. We've got enough idiots in our village.

  6. I found a meme from a screenshot from a James Bond movie with Bond walking with the Queen. She is saying "Just the wife 007, I'll deal with the little ginger prick myself."

  7. he's totally pussuy whipped. Cucked. I give the marriage 5 years until he figures out he's been fucked and not in a good way.

    Steve the Engineer.

  8. What do you get when you cross a stable hand and a horny princess?
    A. Whiney-assed , silverspoon fed, important feeling, redheaded cuck.
    B. Redheaded bastard so objectionable that his foster family won't let him back in their house or country.
    C. An ignorant prick so dumb he thinks Greta is a climate genius, and that an Illuminati is a brand of tactical flashlights.
    D. All the above

  9. one pussy whipped red headed want a be somebody again. Go limey bastard.

  10. No one cares. He has no standing in this country. He needs to STFU and sit down.

  11. Fucking piece of shit hasn't got a fucking clue. Our Constitution and the blood of Free Men is what broke the yoke those fucking arrogant assholes would still have us laboring in, if they had their way. Fuck 'em all but nine, six to be pall bearers, two to be road guards, and one fucker to call cadence.

  12. Wasn't his deal to move them here and live a quiet life out of the glare of publicity or some such shit? Shut the fuck up, Limey.

  13. He’s not known as The Ginger Whinger for nothing.

  14. All of the above. Tick.
    But we, the Brits, did not send him to you. She dragged him.

  15. Will someone let the "Duke of Sussex" know that we no longer answer to him or his relatives, and we haven't for the past 246 years.


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