
Thursday, July 21, 2022

This is good, this is good...

The federal investigation into Hunter Biden has reached a 'critical juncture' and investigators are weighing whether to charge the president's son, according to a report on Wednesday night. 

The Department of Justice probe in Delaware has intensified in recent weeks over whether to bring charges on tax violations or making false statements on purchasing a gun, sources told CNN. 

There are also concerns about DOJ guidelines which suggest avoiding updates in major, politically sensitive cases so close to the election.


  1. I'll believe the story when it has the proper outcome.


  2. Just the fact that they're "thinking about it" indicates that nothing will be done.

  3. I don't think a damn thing will happen to him, now or in the future. Should but won't.

  4. Yeah, I remember when Hillary had charges filed against her for leaking Top Secret information... Same show, different day.

    1. don't forget the contempt of court, (and no doubt a slew of other related charges) for destruction of evidence under subpoena of said courts in relation to all the mobile phones and hard drives destroyed.
      and want to guess who will end up on top of the shitpile doing joey bidets last year? my HOUSE says HRC for the win Alex.

  5. Sure, and they are going to charge Hillary Clinton, and all of Epstein's customers, and...

  6. Joe will pardon Hunter and then will step down to be replaced by someone who is even more unqualified to be in the white house than he is.

  7. Same here. I'll believe it when a news report tell me the lowlife has an indictment against him.

  8. This is the problem. They're "weighing the options", not going by whether he did or did not commit a crime. Any one else and they'd be locked up and tried and sentenced by now. Look at the J6 folks that are no-bail locked up for trespassing while Hunter is a crack addict, treasonous snake that walks free. Any one arrested should use the "Hunter Defense". If he's out of jail, no one should be in jail.

    1. They're not "weighing the options", they're waiting on options. There will soon be a time when the Sr. Biden is no longer president. Sooner than later. I'm guessing it will be some sort of medical condition. Hunter, and is laptop, will disappear from public view in the ensuing confusion about what to do about replacing SloJoe. Relying on our nation's short attention span it will all be forgotten, swept under the rug.

  9. I'd believe that this DOJ would bring charges and prosecute a weak case on those charges to ensure a not guilty verdict thereby protecting the Biden's from being charged again under double jeopardy by the next administration.

  10. He is going to walk.

  11. NOTHING will happen to hunter biden.

  12. It should take someone at DOJ about 15 minutes to decide that firearms charges should be filed against Hunter. If it takes any longer than that, you aren't practicing law, you're practicing politics.

  13. Sources told CNN... That there is a problem. That probably two cnn hacks talking to each other at a bar.

  14. Are these the same people who weighed in on the Colbert invasion of the Capital?

  15. I liked how in the article they said a couple times hunter could get off because he didn't know what he was doing due to his drug use. Now if Florida Man went ahead of the Judge after a crime and mayhem spree do you think the judge would let it slide if he said "Sorry Judge I was so fucked up on meth I didn't know what was happening " As far as I know you don't get to plead diminished capacity if you voluntarily got yourself so wasted that you don't know what the hell you are doing.

  16. As we saw in the Sussman trial, no D in DC will ever be found guilty.

  17. This will happen about the same time they release Ghislane Maxwell's client list.

  18. Maybe he'll catch Covid from "The Big Guy".

  19. Can you just imagine the shit-storm if that was Eric Trumps laptop?

  20. Well see what happens. To quote Don Surber, "No excitement without an "indictment."


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