
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Well, now we know why she's single



  1. "How do you know if someone is vegan?"

    "Don't worry, they'll tell you..."

  2. That would be a "HARD PASS" on that job opportunity

  3. The bottom one explains the top one.

  4. so all of her slutty years are behind her and now she's ready to settle down with a good man who will provide a good life for her and another man's bastard children

  5. I love telling Vegans plants are alive. They are a life and respond to stimulation or lack of. Ya cut a leaf or pick a fruit and sap runs out. That is the plants blood. When you eat juicey things you are drinking plant blood. When you eat the fruit you are eating their babies. Man do I get some weird looks. Who said life isn't fun?

  6. Women! learn to cook steak and loose weight... you'll be successful. also try to keep your mouth shut. these are the gospels, live by them!

  7. Oh look, an invitation and a warning. No matter how good looking she might be, I think I'll pass.

  8. This must be from California: Ingredients plus a warning label.

  9. "Position Open: Grass eater and gutless Metro-Male needed"

  10. "You're vegan? Cool. I'm pro-life, too."

  11. I wonder if the sticker below the tail light caused the sticker above the tail light?

  12. Many years ago (almost 40) I dated a vegan. Unlike most of them, she had no big problem with others eating meat. She felt that what you ate was up to each person to choose. It was a little difficult at times to find a place where she could get a good meatless meal since we lived in the middle of cattle country. The BBQ joint was out of the question. :-)


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