
Friday, July 15, 2022

You'd think there was an election or something was coming up

Once again, COVID-19 seems to be everywhere. If you feel caught off-guard, you aren't alone. 

After the omicron tidal wave washed over the United States in January and the smaller rise in cases in the spring caused by the BA.2 subvariant, it might have seemed like the coronavirus could be ignored for a while.


Actually, I know of at least two of my regular readers that have caught covid in the past couple months. Both recovered nicely without hospitalization.

And now LA is talking about another mask 'mandate' and the sheep will blindly obey.

Los Angeles County on Thursday moved from a medium community spread of COVID-19 to a “high” level, triggering the possible return of universal indoor masking in the region.


  1. Had wuflu twice, Dec 2019 when china & who covering it up. Again in April '22 over Easter - this time I used ivermectin, zinc, C & D vitamins - by day 3, was fit as a fiddle. is full of ionophores that boost the power of zinc, keeping you from a cytokine storm (lungs fill up). Have some on hand.

    Don't want to mess with wondering what doses - get a bottle of Zstack online no prescription necessary. Good stuff!!

    What remains a fact - less than 1% have grave outcomes. No different than influenza.

    Seriously - if you haven't watched this do so - it outlines fauXi mRNA push BEFORE wuflu.

    No shit - fauXi tells us exactly what is coming !!


  2. My wife and I got the Kung Flu in January, after getting two jabs. I could have dug in and said "No," but homeland peace was worth a couple of sticks. She now knows what we suspected when this all started. Government knows nothing, labs will do anything for government and drug company money, local and state governments want control and more "free" money. We believe nothing with the words "COVID-19" and "studies." Nothing.

  3. Still see people around here wearing masks in their car. Stupid is as Stupid does.

  4. I noticed that the local news had started reporting on the number of reported covid cases in the state again, after having taken a break from it for a while. They are making sure to emphasize that the numbers they are reporting are only the reported ones, and don't reflect those using tests at home.
    I would rather watch election commercials than listen to covid updates on the news.

  5. Add me to that list Kenny. Slept for two days straight starting Sunday, wife was concerned - she always is - and dragged me to the ER Monday night. Tested positive for the Coof and said I was dehydrated. Ran an IV and gave me monoclonal antibodies, sent me home feeling a little better. Almost 100% since yesterday. Never took the jab, never will. I know a con when I see one.

  6. Had China Flu last week. Only symptoms was terrible night sweats for three nights and a steady headache for 6 days. No cough or congestion at all. Went to work everyday.

  7. My wife and I got it a couple weeks ago, or at least that is what the at-home tests said. We are both unjabbed. Our symptoms were very mild, and we have all but completely recovered.

  8. I started getting a mild sore throat a couple of days ago. I didn't pay it much attention because of an ongoing issue. This afternoon it hit me like a ton of bricks so I got tested.
    So far it feels like flu without the nausea.

  9. The Seattle Times website has a separate Covid-19 section...

  10. "Once again, COVID-19 seems to be everywhere."

    Of course it is. This is the beginning of the run up to Election Steal II.


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