
Monday, August 29, 2022

Biden administration crackdown on 'ghost guns' takes effect

A new federal rule designed to crack down on "ghost guns," or privately assembled firearms, took effect on Wednesday, the Department of Justice announced. 

"These guns have often been sold as build-your-own kits that contain all or almost all of the parts needed to quickly build an unmarked gun. And anyone could sell or buy these guns without a background check," Attorney General Merrick Garland said Wednesday.


I hate that term, 'ghost gun' when talking about an unnumbered firearm.  I don't think I ever heard it until I saw that fucking idiot California State Sen. Kevin de Leon use it this video HERE where he makes a complete and total ass of himself - and people STILL took him seriously.


  1. They are afraid of the dark.

  2. Its typical, they pervert language to massage a narrative. Peaceful protests. Unarmed insurrection. Rebel traitors are freedom fighters if you're on the other side of the argument.... they use language to frame their narrative as the just and righteous one, so further actions are justified by de-humanizing the recipient.

  3. I have a very very old .22 rimfire, made by Savage, with absolutely no serial number anywhere. I've actually taken it apart for deep cleaning and nope, the number is not hidden anywhere either. I guess something like 120 years ago Savage made ghost guns.

    1. All though most gun makers did use serial numbers, they were not required ("unique identifiers") by law until 1968. Long ago I had a chance to buy a J. C. Higgins (Sears) Model 50 30-06 that had no serial number. I passed it up. Ah, my callow youth.

      I was also an FFL for almost 20 years. If a gun has no serial number, the instructions on the 4473 are (or at least, were) to write "NSN" in that block.

  4. I realize it's a stupid question since the 2nd amendment is pretty clear, but under what authority? The fig leaf is normally interstate commerce, but when you do all the work yourself, there is no commerce... And no fig leaf.

  5. Did Congress pass this "rule?" If not, it is not law. I follow the law (if just) not rules.

  6. So, technically, the feds can confiscate all weapons without serial numbers, so, gun collectors of vintage firearms are screwed and will go to federal prison.
    It's time to kick the democraps right in the throat.

  7. Until 1968, firearms were not required to have serial numbers. That was part of the 1968 GCA.

  8. If the gun is in the possession of a "Spook" is it considered a "ghost-gun" even if he stole it from a legitimate gun-owning white guy? I'm just asking for my friend Casper who's trying to keep his reputation clean.

  9. Something about shall not infringe. Ok here I go, So basically I will build a main battle tank flamethrower with a bump stock main gun tube full capacity tank round rack thermal sights beer cooler high fidelity stereo microwave washer n dryer cop-killer-round capability RV kind of water crossing kinda un numbered ghost gun affair, with an air fryer, and ah HV/AC unit. Oh dont forget tacos lots of tacos oh and tequila too. Can’t forget the tequila. So basically aaahhh fuck you you commies.

  10. December 15, 1971 the Bill of Rights is Ratified Law. No one can change that!

    1. Are you sure about '1971'?
      Could it be '1791'?
      And I have a problem with 'bill of rights'.
      Those ten amendments are a 'Bill Of Restrictions'.
      Restrictions on bureaucrats such as congress-critters and their hangers-on.


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