
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

I've got just one question

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — The Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) held a presser Wednesday where they announced two of their employees were given written reprimands for incorrectly editing out curse words from body-worn camera footage.


I've asked it before and I'm asking again: Why would a police department even have the ability to edit their cop cams? That's pretty damned convenient for them, isn't it? 


  1. They shouldn't ever edit the bodycam video.


  2. Why shouldn't cops have the means to edit their videos? Our 'government' has the Main Scream Media doing their editing for them every day.

  3. Editing of any type on body cam or dash cam forage should be a felony. A pretty severe one at that.

  4. Obviously the cameras are to protect the cops at all costs!

  5. How do you accidentally delete/mute specific words, multiple times on multiple videos?
    Meanwhile the Cleveland badged thug that shot the Rice kid is getting hired at some bohunk town police force in PA

    Anyone still respecting police is criminally stupid.

  6. Cops wear body cams for the same reason they carry guns. It isn't to protect you.
    Literally every piece of equipment cops use is for their benefit, not to benefit the public their propaganda claims they serve.

  7. Orcs are nasty things. Created to insure the state maintains its influence over the Lilly Putins/us. They make the rules for us, not them. They are free to do what they like as the organ that created them cares not what the orc does.
    One is smart to avoid the orc, africans, muslims, jews, as nothing good comes from any interaction with them.
    Oh and wake me when the Red Star Cluster or was it the Green one is popped until then I be with chickens with feathers like mine.

  8. Edict to officers: When you're having the living shit beat out of you by crazed druggies or a pack of feral apes Ye shall not use the Lord's name in vain or refer to human bladder contents and excrement in other words other than the scientific terminology because it offends the poor victims of a cruel society.

    1. And when they are beating the living shit out of you or yours....?

  9. If they can edit the body cams, that defeats the purpose of even having them!

  10. The presumption should be if the footage has been edited or altered in any way that it is NOT admissible in any legal proceeding. Except to sue or charge the law enforcement personnel.

  11. I think one state, can't remember which one, has a law against editing cop body cams.

  12. Damnit W.C., I know damn good and well you are NOT that nieve. It must have been a rhetorical question ⁉️ this is a government agency at the point of this particular spear.

  13. Being able to edit body-cam video is like having electronic voting machines where the election "officials" who are of course highly objective and non-biased (/sarc) can correct for "erroneous" ballots. Fuckers. I'm not one to advocate violence, but,each and every one of those non-biased workers should be taken out behind the proverbial wood shed and whipped.


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