
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Leaked ATF Resignation Letter Shows Agents’ Frustration Over Politicization

DENVER. COLORADO -( A leaked resignation letter provided to AmmoLand News shows the ATF agency in turmoil over political pressure. 

Brandon M. Garcia was a career Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) special agent until he resigned over the politicization of the federal agency and the Government’s attempt to divide people.


  1. This should come as no surprise, it's going to get worse....


  2. Awww the poor little agents. There are no good agents in any federal agency. NONE.

  3. I remember a story must have been 40 years ago about an ATF agent in a sheriff's office that was twirling his pistol and was called down about it. His reply was, "after we get theirs, we're coming after yours". It's no wonder why every TV series calls all feds, "feebs".

  4. So Ex-Agent was all right with previous levels of corruptness and illegality, but finally reached a level of corruptness and illegality that he couldn't handle any more?

    Poor sad camp guard, gestapo, stasi, red brigader. Poor, poor sad man.

  5. ATF has long been politicized. It has been getting worse for years.

  6. Six pages? Wow. TL;DR. My resignation letters have all been three paragraphs, each one sentence long. P1: I resign effective . P2: I once saw a quote: I make everyone happy, some when I arrive and some when I leave. P3: I trust I have satisfied everyone now.

    All were hand written on vellum. The last I scanned and emailed, but I delivered the original a few hours later. All of the letters were unexpected and quite the surprise.

    1. When I retired, my manager told me I needed to submit a two week notice even though I already had everything filed and approved. I gave them a consolation card - "Sorry for your loss."

  7. That boy just wasn't paying attention.


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