
Monday, August 01, 2022

Mass Shootings in US Are Rare, Despite Increased Attention

Mass shootings are extremely rare in America. But you wouldn’t know that if you listened to politicians and much of the media. Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said in a recent Senate hearing on gun control that there had been 309 mass shootings in America so far this year. CNN reported that “U.S. mass shootings are on pace to match last year—the worst ever.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said on the floor that there were 13 mass shootings across the country in just one weekend. Major media outlets like The New York Times, NBC News, and ABC News all reported on the—allegedly—“hundreds” of mass shootings this year.


  1. Which is why they keep redefining the meaning. Mass shootings are now considered by the MSM to be 4 or more people injured when a gun is shot. Like by running, falling, getting hit by a car, dying of COVID...

  2. ALL in democrat-land.
    Every single one of them


  3. 1200 TV stations all reported on the same shooting.
    That is 1200 mass shooting. Correct?


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