
Friday, August 19, 2022

Who in the hell leaves an AR in the truck overnight at a motel?

PLEASANT VIEW, Tenn. (WKRN) — According to a recent report from Everytown Research & Policy, Tennessee leads the nation when it comes to guns stolen from automobiles.


While Pleasant View, in Cheatham County, doesn’t have numbers that come close to this, one gun stolen from a car is one too many.

That was the case on August 8 around 5:40 a.m. in a parking lot of a motel near I-24.

That’s where suspects broke into a pickup truck and stole a high-powered AR-15.


Yeah, I know the article says the AR has a 7 1/2" muzzle and a red dot 'scope'. It's the MSM for Pete's sake.
No need to load up the comments pointing that out.


  1. Makes me wonder he took out of the truck and out in the room...

  2. The same kind of person that goes canoeing with all of their guns.

  3. Well, I guess I better drive down to Tennessee. That new AR that the feds know I own, and a couple of other little older semi-auto weapons will be in my trunk. Damn, it will be so unfortunate if some hillbilly steals them. I hope the feds find the jerk who will steal them.

  4. This story brings new meaning to the expression "You snooze, you lose".

  5. Wonder of the motel is posted "no guns" and this guy decided to obey that rule. Still a stupid thing to do.

  6. I just want to know what a 'high-powered' AR is. Was it chambered in .458 SOCOM or something?
    --Tennessee Budd

  7. Okay, so the perps stole an AR-15 pistol with an arm brace according to the pictures.
    Why did the news-idiot say it had a collapsible stock?

  8. "high-powered AR-15" opposed to, in their view, the low and mid powered AR-15s? Never mind the standard AR is considered to weak to be used for hunting....and that short barrel will lose a lot of that "power"... Of course facts no longer seem to matter to publications.

  9. I was going to ask what a low-powered AR15 was, but I’m not sure you guys would take the question serious. Still curious though.

  10. I wonder if the weapon had a "high capacity clip" and that "shoulder thing that goes up"? Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. Back in the day of single cab trucks, we used to have a rifle rack in the rear window and constantly left guns (usually a .22 rimfire and maybe an older deer rifle) in the truck, windows down and unlocked. Everyone did it, no one that I know had anything stolen. Of course, 99% white rural area. Now everyone talks about how stupid someone is for leaving a gun in the truck, no one really discusses how horrible society has become that we are constantly surrounded by thieves, murderers, and violent criminals. We've surrendered society over to the worst element.

    1. Exactly!! Damn frogs boiling... and we are the frogs. The country is the pot.

      Soros DAs, no bail policies & wide open borders are designed to wreak havoc & chaos until we accept the govt imposed solutions like gun confiscation & restricted personal rights (Cloward-Piven strategy to a T)


  12. a high-powered AR-15 . . . as opposed to lo power which fire only rubber bullets that travel no farther than 3 feet. Right?

  13. When I make my winter migration to Florida and back, I usually have several guns, 1 or 2 of which will be rifles. One night I was waddling into the hotel encumbered with a couple of range bags and 2 cased rifles, some lady saw me and apparently recognized what I had, she let out a little scared squeak, turned and ran down the hall. I spent the next hour waiting for the cops to knock on my door. For the life of me, I don't get why cased and holstered guns scare people. I do understand why the victim left his stuff in the vehicle, its a pain to unload and load your stuff every stop.

  14. About 10 years ago in this area, there was a homicide involving a deer rifle. Of course, in the local newspaper, it was reported as someone being shot with a high powered lever action sniper rifle. No kidding.


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