
Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Bet you can't rope a street sign as you're rolling past



  1. Wirecutter - Are you trying to start one of those Tictok contests????

    1. As much as I hate to admit it, I once roped a stop sign from a rolling truck leaving the La Grange rodeo. Jerked my ass right out of the bed.
      Yes, youth and alcohol played a major part, but in my defense, the driver knew what I was doing and I honestly thought he would stop instead of romping on it.
      Ironically, it was one of the very few times I was able to rope something successfully.

  2. I remember in high school overhearing a conversation between a couple of goat ropers. One of them was complaining about being stiff and sore. Seems some of them were out the night before riding around in the bed of a pickup truck, roping mail boxes. Apparently the one had managed to rope a mailbox, but it was well cemented in the ground, and instead of pulling the mailbox from the ground, it jerked him out of the bed of the truck.


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