
Friday, September 02, 2022

Getting to know your new vagina

Vaginoplasty is a Gender Reassignment Surgery procedure that transforms the transgender person's genitalia into female genitals, including a neo-vagina. Post-operative vaginal dilation is an integral part of the initial surgery recovery and the regular maintenance of a transgender person's neo-vagina. Typically, dilation begins a few days after surgery and is almost always required for life. Without proper dilation, the skin graft inside the vagina tends to contract which leads to shortening or closure of the neo-vagina. This is an irreversible result—one cannot regain the original vaginal depth by simply resuming or doing more dilation. Dilation may not be pleasant but it's essential to follow your surgeon's dilation protocol in order to prevent loss of depth of your new vagina.


  1. These people are in the grip of a strong delusion, or the other possibility is demon infestation.

  2. Poor deluded bastards and the maintenance and upkeep of their self mutilation.

  3. "Neo vagina" brings up a mental image of Keanu Reeves with a hairy split face.
    Not good.


  4. Earl Scheib used to paint your car with
    “no ups and no extras”

  5. Kenny, you shouldn’t encourage the retards by spreading “neo-vagina” lunacy

  6. Do they slap this new mangina on their asshole or their piehole?

  7. Delusional and degenerates, mothers now are taking their 12 year old's for hysterectomies

  8. Ann Coulter had a great column yesterday at TakiMag on this topic. They are in the thrall of a social media hysteria. It follows similar (but in most cases not as extreme) social fads such as anorexia, cutting themselves with razor blades, demonic possession. It's a good read.

  9. Read somewhere that women who have an addadicktome sometimes have it fall off.
    I was curious about how they do it, for men who want to dodge the draft, they invert their pecker. They can't simply prolapse it for the gals though. Instead they create a fake appendage, usually with skin from the forearms and a pump.
    The ladies might as well stick with a strap on, at least they can have good vibrations.

  10. Sick, sick fucks.....

  11. I ain't clicking on that shit

  12. Thank you for sharing, I needed to purge tonight anyways....

    "Vaginal openings are similar to pierced ears in that if you don't use earrings regularly, the piercings will eventually close,"

    God is trying to tell you something...

  13. They call it 'gender affirming' but what it really is is encouraging mental illness.

  14. Buy four various side dilators and you get a free Kenny G music CD, entitled "The Kenny G-Spot Finder Concert." $395 plus S/H

  15. Give them a traffic cone and just tell them to get on with it.


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