
Monday, September 26, 2022

Good Morning - A great start for your work week

The Captain of the team went into the stands to get their water boy who has Down's Syndrome so he could help celebrate the Championship victory.



  1. I saw that game. Those guys are the Geelong Cats. Aussie rules football, The pundits down under called the team, "too old, too slow". they beat the younger team by 81 points. After the game, the players pulled the team's water boy from the stands to include him in the post game celebration. Aussie rules is an interesting game. non-stop action.

    1. I love that they make the refs wear suits and hats.

  2. God bless those guys. That was genuine joy from a man who works hard for them regardless of his limits.

  3. Why was the "water boy" in the stands and down with the team? This shows the excellent character of the team for including him.

    1. Think the "water boy" would have assisted the players at training sessions mainly. However,they did him proud,as he has done them with his undying loyal support. THAT is what it is all about!! Sport as it really should be. As is in Tea Tree Gully, SA.

  4. My older brother (RIP) and I were taught to swim by a relative who was retarded. She was a swimmer and had the fortune of caregivers in the family that had a huge pool and swam in the Special Olympics for years.
    Marylin, you humbled us and grounded us.
    Thank You.
    Were all Gods children.

  5. This restores your faith in humanity!

  6. The same team went to the Monday after celebration in a minivan borrowed from an old folks home. Walking frames and canes, the odd pipe in the mouth. Absolutely stuck it right up the "experts" who had written them off as being too old.
    Two totally class acts in these days of sleaze and corruption. I don't follow aerial ping pong but if I was going to, these guys would be the team to follow.

    Bill From The Bush

  7. All a good man has to do is be Present. Well done.


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