
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Is Pistol Brace Amnesty About to Become the Biggest Trap Ever Set?

 Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses some of his concerns he has over the new "pistol brace amnesty" period as originally reported by AmmoLand.  When examining the plain language used by the ATF on three important ATF documents, we've come to not only a conclusion that many of you have arrived at already, but we think we know how the trap will be sprung.  If true, this will be one of the greatest acts of deceit by any modern government.  Learn more and arm yourself with education today. 

VIDEO HERE  (9:24 minutes) 


  1. All registration leads to confiscation. Ask our Canucks bros.

  2. yup. they going to tax everything. or take it away from you.
    you don't really trust them now do you ? besides, I thought only congress could pass laws
    not a bunch of paper pushers.

    1. You must know by now that the Democrats will do anything they want, and will let the BATFE's get away with whatever will help the Dems in their quest to rule. No doubt they are looking very closely at the U.K. to get an example of how a dynasty is actually ruled, be it by a king or a queen.
      The question is, just who will make the cut, when the dust settles. No doubt that it won't be one of the hot young bunch of good looking, fast talking, far left thinking batch of new leftists. I am thinking that it will be more of an old, solid type, from the big money, solid family, and long term Democrat that will win the lottery, and will eventually be picked to be the King or Queen to take up the Bishopric. I know, fancy word, it just means the office of a special role. I had to show that I went to Bible college, to make it worthwhile. lol. I normally don't talk like that, I have a migraine, and took a norco, which always makes me loopy.
      But seriously, I think that the Democrats do have a plan in place to use their people as leverage to gain enough power to usher themselves in to a long term position of leadership. They seldom do anything without a reason, or a plan. When they look the least involved, just remember the duck, and how they are calm above the water, but paddling like crazy under the surface.

    2. No, the "the hot young bunch of good looking, fast talking, far left thinking batch of new leftists" will serve as cannon fodder for the "old, solid type, from the big money, solid family, and long term Democrat" that emerges on top.

    3. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleySeptember 14, 2022 at 7:54 PM

      History shows they always do. Not so innocent but willingly deluded wide and starry eyed naifes who'll say to the end what the victims of Soviet purges often said, "If only my friend Stalin knew what has befallen me, he'd put a stop to this!" In the end, it is always the unmarked mass graves.

    4. Administrative law is much more widespread (and insidious) than most people realize. Congress passes laws with such wide latitude with the phrase "As the agency determines" which let's them do near anything they want. They even have their own court system outside the Civil and criminal court system. The bureaucrats are their own police, prosecutors, and judiciary. This system during the last 50 years is a significant contributor for the current state of the FUSA.

    5. I think that is the idea in my mind when I was thinking about the Dynasty type of the actual running the country.. And while I hate the thought that it would be jokingly discussed at least we are thinking about these things, and the things that we might be forced to do, should the government get to controlling or unwilling to allow us to live free.
      I don't know why my post didn't have my ID attached to it, I am sure that most of the people here recognized my writing style, meaning that it was too long, and too wordy.
      One thing I have to say, is that I have noticed that the price and availability of both guns and ammunition are starting to become affordable and easier to find. You are still going to have a hard time getting unusual calibers, or new models of guns, but you should be able to find a polymer striker fired 9mm pistol, or a .22 LR bulk pack of standard velocity ammo and 9mm ammo, in several bullet weights.
      You can also get .22 cal rifles for a bit over 100$.
      I am seeing 9mm pistols of the striker fired polymer type, for under 300$, at most of the online gun sellers. That price is not much more than the HiPoint 9mm c9 used to be sold for. So while I owned a HiPoint 9mm9c and can say that they are worth their price, about 190$ now, you can buy a Taurus G2, the original one, after it had been recalled for a manufacturing defect, and now they have them all fixed, and for about 240$ you could have a better gun than a HiPoint.
      I sold my HiPoint to a friend, but it was not the worst gun that I have ever owned.

    6. Try BC for your migraines. My wife swears by 'em.

  3. This all very worrisome.

  4. So take the pistol brace off and set it aside. It's not on your pistol, so your pistol doesn't become an SBR, no matter what they say. When the right time comes, you can always put it back on and the ATF will be the least of our worries.

    1. That's not going to stop it. In the video, he discussed a scoresheet to determine if your AR pistol really is a pistol. It goes into weight, length, length of pull, and it's almost impossible for any AR pistol on the market to pass,

  5. Mfucking tyrant pole smoking fudge packers can just try and come take my stuff. They getting bullets first. I’m tired of all the threats. Go big or die government.

    1. They are definitely going big.

    2. I contacted Rossi to find out if the Ranch Hand was affected by the legislation. They refused to answer any questions until I provided them with a serial number. Screw that!

  6. Whatever "legal" means when you're talking "shall not be infringed"...
    Setting traps for People?
    Tyrannical retards.

  7. Im retired, dont give a shit and wont comply with just about anything anymore, so have at it

  8. In case nobody's yet noticed, we're no longer living in the United States of America.

  9. Who in their right mind still trusts government???
    When you bought the brace and pistol it wasn't illegal, but now it is!
    Yeah, trustworthy indeed.

  10. Why I sold all my guns back to an FFL!
    ... now I only private-party.

  11. I know it's been stated in other threads, but the constitution is very specific about "ExPost Facto" laws, and in my interpretation if I bought something legally, it stays legal even if the law changes, my ownership is grandfathered by predating any law forbidding it. I was legally able to buy it, and if the law changes( I am aware ATF regs are not law, but have the color of law)then mine are excluded. The 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th amendments sorta forbid this kinda behaviours.

    1. Here's the rub: They're not saying they're illegal, they're just saying they have to be registered and they're being gracious about it by waiving the fee.

    2. That's a gun registry, illegal under Federal Law, IMHO and as HalfElf above states, if it was legal when it was purchased, it's still legal without having to be registered. Are all of the SBR's carried by the Secret Service and other Fed Agencies during protective details for politicians and private protective details for the elites registered or will they be? I didn't think so. Here's another gun law that will go to the SJC and be overturned there.


    3. People must understand that you can't win in any legal fight against the government or any group thereof. They most definitely have their legal ducks in a row, before they put forth this type of rule. The government will spend your money, to fight against you, over your rights. And they can do
      it for much longer than you can, since the supply of money is unlimited.
      Anonymous 8:53, I have fought migraines since high school, with at least half a dozen serious concussions in just football alone. I have had 3-4 more since then plus an extensive family history. I have been trying a lot of new things, but the normal thing that happens is I get some drug combo that seems to work, only to stop working in about 6 months or so.
      The only thing that I have found that works nearly all the time is a strong narcotic, plus an anti-emitic, like phenergin or vistril or zophran, I think I have all of them right.
      I am retired on SSD, after over 35 years in the same place, so it is not like I am just trying to get away from that place. I was making well over 22$/hour so it is not like I did not have a decent paying job. I simply couldn't be certain when a, migraine I showed would hit. So I missed a lot of time. Even with the FMLA the shop wanted to get rid of me. So they sent me for a random drug test.and I showed positive for alcohol in my system, something that was impossible but you can not fight against a huge corporation, so I simply left and took unemployment. Luckily for us I had some savings, that kept us going and I got a job part time doing maintenance in a trailer park. The manager let me come and go when needed. That was one of the places where I got another concussion after falling from scaffolding. Yet again, I fell when I was pushing my wife to car. After treatment for breast cancer. She is well past 5 years now, and doing very well.


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