
Friday, September 30, 2022

One of those just-in-time purchases

PATTERSON, Calif. — A homeowner in Patterson shot and killed a drunk intruder who was trying to break into their home and was fighting with her husband, authorities said.


Yuhui Zheng, 50, went upstairs to get a revolver that she had just bought one day prior and in "self-defense of her husband, fired all rounds," authorities said.


  1. God and Smith & Wesson bless you.

  2. Good for her. Time for some training.

  3. Now she needs to go buy another gun. The cops have seized that one and she'll be lucky to get it back in 3-4 years...if ever. They have a habit of "losing" such things on a regular basis.

  4. And in WI they'll counter with this

  5. When in doubt empty the magazine or in this case the cylinder

  6. Time to cue up the he wasn’t trying to hurt anyone; he was just drunk and confused gun grabbing Karens.

  7. I wonder how long after she got her permit before she went out the bought the gun?
    For me, it was ten minutes after I had it in my hand.

    1. You don't need a permit to keep a gun in your house, even in California. Yet.

    2. Do you not require a permit to order or buy a gun and purchase ammunition?
      Certainly do in MA.

    3. Correct me if i'm wrong, don't you need to pass a gun safety test in order to purchase a firearm in California?

    4. John, no.
      Anon, it's a test of 20 or 30 common sense questions. You take the test, it's graded on the spot by the shop owner and the sale proceeds.

    5. So the 10 months and $350 I needed to put out BEFORE I could order, buy or handle a gun or ammunition is not required in Red California?
      Well, I've always suspected that if the USA ever needs an enema the tube goes here.

      The saga of my license acquisition is on my blog here.

    6. When I took my handgun purchasing test back around 2012, the fee was maybe 30 bucks as I recall. Don't quote me on the price, but it was in that neighborhood.

    7. Here in Massholia you can be arrested if you are found in possession of a spent casing, if you don't have a license. No, not a live round, an empty piece of brass. Massachusetts: the Cradle (and Grave) of Liberty.


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