
Friday, September 30, 2022

Scratch 4 million Biden voters

The Biden administration has quietly announced a change in its student debt forgiveness program that could exclude four million borrowers who have loans owned or backed by private companies.


  1. Looks like I'm about to have a Schadenfreude to the 4 millionth power moment.

  2. Unfortunately, that won't be known by those affected, until after the elections.

    1. Naw, I've picked it up from several MSM sources. They'll know about it.

  3. Those people, to use R.E. Lee's term, make stupid decisions and don't do any thinking until the "Oh, shit!" moment arrives.

  4. Oh the best part is they changed it to avoid a lawsuit. Which opens them up to a bigger lawsuit based on arbitrary changes without following proper channels. Liberals favorite lawsuit againt Trump.

  5. So the private companies paid Biden off to get them excluded from the forgiveness, probably cost them a lot less for the bribe than the write off on the loans would have been,

  6. Yeah, it is equally as likely that they will decide on Nov 10 that the idea is not legal and nix the whole plan, just about the time they close off the strategic oil reserves and the oil dries up. Before anyone suggests that will lead to social unrest, well 'nuff said...


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