
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

"So anyway, we just started blasting"

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — (AP) — Jason Arnie Owens helped carry his father’s casket to the hearse, then turned to embrace a relative. He never made it to the cemetery.

As mourners gathered outside a northern West Virginia funeral home on Aug. 24, two plainclothes officers with a fugitive warrant swooped in from separate vehicles, called Owens' name and shot him dead, spattering his 18-year-old son's shirt with blood as horrified loved ones looked.

"There was no warning whatsoever,” family friend Cassandra Whitecotton said.


  1. Be careful....the fascist regime of the democrats and joe biden is out to put an end to freedom in America.....Washington DC elites don't work for America anymore, but for whatever globalist elite run agenda is out your backs and keep your powder dry...

  2. “If they’ve been searching for someone and they finally figure out where they are, they’re going to get them,” said Tracy L. Hahn, a Columbus, Ohio-based security consultant who retired after 32 years in law enforcement, including as deputy police chief at Ohio State University.

    Bullshit! Hahn is full of shit; Jason was murdered and in front of family. I honestly don’t know where we go from here.

    1. oh you know. you just don't want to admit it to yourself.

    2. I respectfully disagree Bobo. You and I know damn well where this road goes, just none of us want to admit it and start going down it. Myself included! Such is the topic du jour in our circles.... and I have come to the conclusion we will only go there, when dragged kicking and screaming against our will, because that is our nature, to be left and leave well enough alone. You can see them baiting us constantly, they know it to. A leader will emerge after the fighting starts. The day is drawing close, what, 6 or 7 weeks to November? If it doesn't get kicked off before, it will after with all the fraud.
      My only hope is it gets exposed. Half of this country truly in their hearts and souls, believes their side of the story. For whatever reason, they do. They will not be persuaded, they have to be shown, or shot.

    3. When they come to your door, will you comply & submit?
      There's where it begins, and ends.
      Your decision.


  3. ".... A man in shorts and a T-shirt jumped out....", yelled the victims name, and then started shooting. Just like in a Hollywood gangland movie.

    I'm a bit surprised these two over-the-top "officers" are still alive, that someone - or several someones - in the crowd of mourners weren't armed and responded by sending these trigger-happy examples of law enforcement at its worst to the Happy Hunting Grounds in a hail of bullets

    And now they have lied about the parole violator having a gun.

    Unmarked vehicles, no sirens, no flashing lights, no uniforms, no badges, no ID's. Drive up from two different directions, jump out, and kill an unarmed man at the funeral of his Dad. You have to know they had figured this all out in advance. If this isn't (premeditated) murder by cop I don't know what is.

    America has become a scary place.


    1. Orcs gotta be orcs. Avoid africans, jews, muslims, politicians, and oh yeah orcs. Nothing good comes from interaction with any of them.

    2. You lose all credibility when you show this level of ignorance. It hurts all of us who are on your "side" in this discussion. There are good and bad people in each of those groups. Generalizing makes you like a Biden supporter painting everyone who doesn't agree with them as a racist.
      Or maybe you are a Biden supporter sent here to discredit all of us. I hope not.

  4. There are Peace Officers, and then you have copfuks.

    These 2 Barneys sure qualify as copfuks.

  5. The officers must have been wearing Nanzi uniforms.

    1. I'm sure they fantasize about it when they are fapping....

  6. This is what's known as a death squad.

  7. Well, the family knows who they are, google will tell ya where they live, a bit of surveillance will tell you where their wife shops and where the kids go to school.

    We know good and well they will NOT be held to account by thin blue line, they will not be held to account by their fellow officers, their supervisors nor the local .gov.

  8. a theory: Globalists destroy the US government system by fraudulent elections, incompetent and corrupt officials, blatant tyranny, thereby discrediting the system and demoralizing the American citizens. Americans get so frustrated and desperate they give up their sovereignty and the best government system. Next step, globalists sweep in with a new system--the global reset where they own and control everything. Their words: "They will own nothing and be happy," (or be killed, likely.)

  9. White boy ? Nothing to see here . Move on ! Appalachian white boy ? It's good .

  10. Let this be a reminder to anyone that thinks pigs are your friends. This ain't your grandaddy's paradigm any more.

  11. Dindunuffin meets We Are the F'n Law.

  12. There is definitely more to this story we are not seeing.


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